Separate names with a comma.
I’ve removed the steering wheel, which causes the vehicle to not be driven and a car standing still encounters very little drag.
Is it a North American version car? I do not know of ev mode on gen 2.
So I hit 6 2's yesterday in my 2007 Prius. I already posted the answers to the seven questions, but I'll do it again for this occasion. I have...
Never ever use no name caps from ebay for anything that you care about working. There is simply too many junk parts around and knwon good parts...
It's a common issue and is due to the body panel seam under the plastic trim on the roof near the upper edge of the hatch. I never had to deal...
I agree with you about tires getting better and spare tires being necessary only historically. But the same can be said for other car components....
Here is a true story from my life that happened about three or four years ago. My father in law was dying in Tennessee (while our family lives in...
It may have to do with the brand of cars we each used. I've owned Volvos from 1998-2017. Before that was a list of other European makes of various...
Who was the last entity to change the oil? I would think they are responsible for over-tightening the drain plug and should deal with it (or pay...
If it took unscrewing five identical bolts to change a radiator, I would say, sure, carry a spare. However, in my 40+ year old driving experience...
If it's not copper, then it better be gold or silver. There is a reason wires are copper. It's the best conductor that is not gold or silver.
They can't afford bread?! Let them eat cake! Doing the right thing depends on what one's priorities are. I for one do not buy new cars any more....
Well, that's simple enough. Price. I can buy a used Prius for under $4K and it will be a tremendous second car. Now try to change my mind to buy a...
I think a majority of posters on this thread (and indeed this entire site) consists of people with houses and garages in the suburban setting. I...
Wide adoption of BEVs depends mainly on two things. 1. Price parity with today's ICE cars. 2. Convenience parity of "re-fueling". #1 is...
I installed front seat heaters per my wife's request. We had Volvos before this 2007 Prius and Volvos were very good with keeping us warm in the...
It's most likely the clock spring and more buttons will be failing in time. If you can live with it for now, do so, otherwise, replace the clock...
Fuse? I have not heard of these things gong dead from sitting at the airports. It's probably something simple.
My LORD! The mechanic touched the car?!!!! Off with his head! Reminds me of when I came to see a chiropractor and he had me sign a document...
Regular old double sided tape will not harm your paint. When you want to remove it, use fishing line to cut through the tape and then goo gone to...