Separate names with a comma.
We must negoti8 with Octo-mom to particip8 !
College football, yes. Pro football -- overpaid pretty boys in Hummers -- No. Pancho or Lefty?
Congrats! Pretty soon you might work out your techniques for bringing your mpg to something like this:[ATTACH] (<< click & enlarge) :o My '08...
If anyone investig8tes, we'll call it Priusg8.
American (Rambler) [ATTACH]
More security in the longevity of our Prii than that of our jobs.... Movie title for the Sarah Palin Story: "Gone in 60 Seconds"...
Cruise jumps couches for scientology
Octomom's Octo Auto: [ATTACH]
Did Studebakers come with muffin-ovens? :banplease:
melt down
down Carroll's rabbit hole ?
(.... Messerschmitt w/ double-sided wide-whites. Now that's a novelty!) ToyoAce (1959) [ATTACH]
Derby (VW) [IMG]
from "n" ...... 99 (Saab) [ATTACH]
X (Toyopet, 1961) [ATTACH] (we've had X's, but I don't think we've had the Toyopet X)
Yup, no shoes in summer ......... The next poster blew out his flip-flop, stepped on a poptop. (anybody seen any poptops since ~1976??)
parrot heads forever