Separate names with a comma.
If it’s just running to warm up, after about a minute it stops charging the battery, so no path is showing. check your 12v, and clean the...
Maybe I’m ignorant, but if the expansion and contraction of the motor from it being a hybrid is causing the gasket to eventually fail, why isn’t...
Hahaha that’s too funny! yes it’s definitely a typo, even though I do love cursing :)
Oh wow glad you got to enjoy the area! It’s a very pretty place. Always love cursing the country roads around here
Took my old 2004 to Atlanta from Nashville last weekend and got 49.6! I was very impressed.
Eh that’s seems on par. I believe the original number was 10.1 when they were new. my 2004 can still hit right around 10.1 even after all these...
Since you’ve already got great advice, the only thing I’d say, check your oil.. CHECK YOUR OIL! Highway, and hills, these old Prii will usually...
Somebody on the Prius Facebook group just posted yesterday he got 336,000 out of his pads, end they weren’t even worn down all the way yet. He...
That sounds like a good plan to me! I have never lived in California so I don’t know how thorough these inspections are, but I’d think you’d be...
This is great! I think you made a great choice. Also, love that you’re the original owner! That’s awesome
Your battery is 16 years old, you’ve probably got some dying cells. It’s never good when the battery starts jumping around like that
Ed I’ve followed you for years, I always appreciate your write ups and comments! you’ve got me thinking I might want to try one of these Red...
Oil consumption isn’t fixed with a new PCV valve. It’s a piston ring issue. That’s why in 2014 Toyota put new upgraded piston rings in the 1.8,...
From what I’ve read, halfway through the year they switched to lithium
How many EV miles are you still getting out of a charge?
Wow looks almost brand new! What cleaning products have you used over the years on it?
yeah true! Definitely your own risk. I did this to revive a old battery that didn’t show many signs of degradation, more of lack of power vs fast...
Maybe the hybrid brake actuator? I know some v owners have had issues, and some lucky ones had it replaced under warranty
Another thing I did was let the car sit in ready mode with the AC blasting, bringing the state of charge real low. From there I’d put it in...