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Your battery doesn’t seem terrible when factoring in age and miles. It really isn’t smart to let this old of a hybrid battery sit unused for more...
Yeah I thought the “shifting okay” comment was pretty funny! honestly they probably don’t care what type of vehicle or transaxle this comes...
Definitely high aluminum level. You can tell they are a little surprised to not see other high levels of anything else, that’s because there is no...
I think the 4th gen will be a tank like the gen2. I expect great things from the 4th gen with the lithium pack. the great thing about lithium...
Kudos to you for getting all of this done yourself. Hopefully cleaning all of this up, and maintenance gets you back on the road, running smooth...
You’ll have to update your thread and let us know if you have any mpg improvement with the new battery :)
Do you have a oem radio from a gen2? Lookin for a cheap used one for my old 2004.
In my experience, a gen2 that is had it’s maintenance done properly, driven in normal conditions, mix city highway, should average around 44-46....
I agree! Change it out. the most accurate way to get a good oil level reading is to let it sit on level ground overnight, and check in the...
See that’s what I thought too. unfortunately the gen4 is now low mounted just like the C.
Ive heard of a surprisingly high amount of Prius C battery failures due to the fans getting clogged with dust and dirt. Even a good friend of mine...
I’m sure your new pack from 2K1Toaster will last much longer, and probably better performance too
Yeah test me out! Best of luck with your new ride! Love the 2004 :)
Nice find! Could the burnt connection cause the codes? Maybe the hybrid battery still works?!
The only thing about running 10k, is you a lot of shops might not put synthetic oil in your car even if you pay for it. I watched a thing on the...
Marvel mystery oil is supposed to be good for the fuel pump and sending unit. Heck anything is worth a try! good suggestions above btw!
Sorry you’re having to deal with this in this crazy time. What a pain. I am a loss inspector for multiple insurance companies, so I speak from...