Separate names with a comma.
My ScanGauge II has reported pack voltage of over 225 volts when going down hill and under heavy regen braking. I've also seen it bottom out at...
ScanGauge II can be programmed to read out individual battery block voltages, or total pack voltage. I've got it working on mine. If you get an...
bisco wasn't the first one to get a PiP. I've had mine since March 6th, 2012, and I wasn't the first one on this board, either. I seem to recall...
PiP might only be rated for 6 miles EV, but there are plenty of people on this board who get way more than that. A typical tank of gas for me is...
Anybody else seen this?: Suit says '13-mile' range for Toyota Prius Plug-In Hybrid was deceptive "Filed earlier this month in Michigan federal...
I started out with L1 initially and then when an opportunity to get an L2 EVSE for only $500 came up, I went for it. I didn't need it, but I was...
My understanding is that B mode essentially just bleeds off excess electricity from regen braking you are already doing and use it to spin the...
Great trip report! One thing to note: Using B mode doesn't contribute anything to regeneration. In the PiP with its large battery, you'll likely...
I have 106K miles on my 2012 PiP and no signs of needing to replace front or rear brakes anytime in the near or distant future. The 2005 Prius...
It works pretty well in the San Francisco Bay Area. If the outside temp is in the 90's (don't laugh, it happened just last week), I'll set the...
I always run the climate control system in Auto mode and adjust temperature up/down to get some airflow on my face. I'd rather be comfortable than...
A/C compressor only runs when necessary. With my ScanGaugeII I can see the amperage draw go up when I manually turn on AC.
Yes. ScanGauge II. Multipled amperage pull by 200V to get the the wattage. The numbers are actually probably a little higher/lower than what I...
Cold air is denser than hot air. It means that in winter the car has to work harder to push the air out of the way to go forward. Your EV mileage...
The EV driving ratio meters have nothing to do with the EV range estimation. I've had one meter that has never been reset, and another I reset...
Fan on low, no A/C draws 100 watts. Fan on medium, no A/C is 200W. Fan on Max, no A/C is 300W. Adding in use of the A/C adds 300W to 400W...
Here's a EngineLink PID list I created for the Generation 3 Highlander Hybrid. You'll need to download the spreadsheet, open it up in...
Here's the spreadsheet I promised a long time ago. It's in the format that EngineLink wants, but by rearranging the columns, it can be used in the...
Did you have climate control system on by any chance? I.e blasting the A/C, or the heater on to keep you warm? If you had the heater on, that...
If you have the Advanced Technology Package on your package Four, then you have the dynamic radar cruise control. When Toyota first started...