Separate names with a comma.
cognitive function appears to follow a "use it or lose it" type pattern [with the appropriate disclaimer that genetics and some environmental...
it is strongly frowned upon to start a new thread with only a link, nothing more. the mod probably used the wrong "reason" selection. it only...
retraining is a calculated risk. DH took it, because in 2007 it wasn't looking like the whole economy would nearly implode. he's glad he did it,...
i would send sallie mae a farewell, enjoy the peace of being debt-free, take a vacation with DH, and bank the rest.
E, we're in the same boat. we think it's less to contribute for the new generation, not so much the waning interest.
i don't think many dual-income people could maintain their lifestyle on a single income. i'll give you this, we've made some tremendous sacrifices...
losing pressure at 70 mph is not a "simple" flat tire.
verizon sucks, particularly because we're not with them by choice but by buyout. but it's always consolation to hear what nonsense AT&T customers...
the tech was sure happy to have that warranty alignment- pretty much the only instance where warranty pays better ;) the alignment could have...
surprise, surprise.
indeed. i'm exhausted as it is. the next poster has a week off work for the holidays, but put in about a week's worth of extra hours getting...
happy birthday E!
frozen tie rod ends happen when you don't get your alignment adjusted often... they can be freed up with a blowtorch. but the extended warranty is...
fuel injectors could go either way... if you've got concerns about misfire or poor gas quality, then absolutely. if you go for it, make sure they...
i think you can contact your local university or medical school and get info if they accept donations. a lot of donations go to cadaver study for...
major contributor to the science of learning and memory, "H.M." passed away last year. in the 1950s, he had major brain (medial temporal lobe)...
ay, is this really what passes for references in college now? wikipedia? when i was a TA, i would have blasted any of my students way the hell out...
Re: the end of the "don't lose your keys or else" myth if it came off, it's broken. it's meant to be held in from the back side, so coming out...
have a good one Danny!
nope- taking a much needed 4-day weekend at home! the next poster is thankful for the good things in their life, despite the bad.