Separate names with a comma.
... doomed to fail, exactly same inherent issue, with Saturn's Sky, Pontiac's Solstice. Don't say it, with a lisp: "... oh, Bruthie! After our...
... get out the Kleenex! Our whacked-out democrat friends, in tears! If it wasn't bad enough, their fearless leader's brain, downloading into his...
... I know a guy, 9 refrigerators in his garage. Imagine, 25: 3 Reasons There’s Something Sinister With the Big Push for Electric Vehicles These...
... name they chose, the "mawkee," even sounds like an archetypic gay-guy car. NO two ways about it, the EV people, far more likely to be gay: US...
... teetering precariously at the brink, ground breaking loose beneath his feet, it's an awfully long way down, for our Founding Father's first...
... dead man walking, green-lit, by at least three former presidents, least 8 U.S. agencies, no matter the outcome, dearest Julian Assange is...
... snicker! snicker! Heh-heh-heeeeeh: Unsold Teslas Pile-Up In Mall Parking-Lots, Big Discounts Likely | ZeroHedge Greta Thundberg specials,...
... heh-heh-heeeeeh: Copper Scrappers Target Tesla Superchargers As Metal Prices Soar | ZeroHedge Here in California? Long as it's under a...
... American exceptionalism is steeped, in advanced citizenship. Being an American, presumably you merit axoim and wherewithal to argue the...
... issues abound, the Greta Thunberg special, shoved down our throats: Rental company gives woman EV instead of SUV she reserved, she spends...
... our whacked-out democrat friends gone ape, keying cars: EXCLUSIVE: Unhinged 63-Year-Old New York Leftist with TDS Gets Rude Awakening - Is...
"... in my defense, your honor? No traffic infractions, no at-fault accidents, never an alcohol related offense? Probably the only living soul on...
... corporate psychology, Honda would be characterized the quiet, well mannered, clever (e.g., "you meet the nicest people on a Honda"), sneaky...
... years go by so fast, takes my breath away. Digging through my wallet, today. "... well? Bless-a-my-soul! Lookie what I jes found! Can't...
... big-big trouble: EU Considers Banning Repairs On ICE Vehicles More Than 15 Years Old | ZeroHedge It's a mighty-long way we've deviated, from...
... not only are they idiots? They're compulsive liars; scoundrels. Lack of character. It's not just a changing of the guard. This new...
Dear Pete Buttigeig chat, ... made in Japan, my 20 year '04 old gen II is -- a Tsutsumi Toyota. Made in Japan. Rock solid. Reliable as rain. Just...