Separate names with a comma.
... goodness! Holy moly! All those poor democratz, who themselves got succored, into buying a Mirai, are going to have to park them, commute their...
… blustery morning, here in the southern California high desert! Harrowing drive, ferrying the two-seater crosstown, to the Wayne & Dave's...
... delete, delete, delete. Time for a little housecleaning, clearing spyware apps off your handheld: Texas Sues Allstate For Secretly Tracking...
... what kind of dumbazz spends a hundred-large, on a glorified Volkswagen toaster oven special? Porsche Applies Large Markdown For Taycan EV As...
... no end in sight, staggering losses continue to mount, on Ford's Greta Thundberg toaster-oven specials: Ford Recalls Thousands of Electric...
... greatest azz-kisser in American history, my vote goes to, Toyota: Third Massive Car Manufacturer Ponies up for Trump, Donates 7 Figures to...
... wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, nothing in your life will atrit confidence in man and machine more expediently, more thoroughly than the...
... laughing it up all the way to the bank, living the high life off the fat of the land, the little fellow's had it far too good for himself, far...
... surprise-surprise-surprise (e.g., to the tune of Gomer Pile)! Special guest star appearances, by Bejing-Biden: New Photos of Joe Biden...
... awwww! He's a just little bambino! He's a so cute! He's a say he's a not so guilty: Luigi Mangione Pleads Not Guilty To State Murder,...
... warming up for the big one, North Korean regulars, gaining invaluable battlefield experience: North Korean Soldiers Suffer 1,100 Casualties...
... what we would give for a do-over, roll back in time, 2020, pull out all those drop boxes the Obama-world people stuffed, with counterfeit...
ps -... best democrat lie of the last 4 years, my vote goes to, the fake presentation platform mainstream media people set up for Bejing-Biden the...
... for our democrat friends, heads in the sand 4 long years, who bought it all, hook, line 'n sinker: My Lord, the Lies - The American Spectator...
... cat's out of the bag: Watch: Overnight Israeli Strike In Syria So Large It Caused Earthquake | ZeroHedge Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
... best assessment I've heard, thus far: TikTok - Make Your Day Nuclear bomb got loose? No one knows where it is? They think it's here?...
... 1850s, it was Louis Pastueur who observed the phenomena, a bacteria, exploded by a fungus. Fast forward 175 years: ... a virus, snuffed by a...
... your tax dollars at work: Texas Lt. Governor Announces Texas Will Buy All of the Dirt Cheap Border Materials Left by Biden and Will Give It...
.. step right up, get your border wall! For the low low price of $5.00, you too can have your very own border wall: Biden Admin Scrambling To...
... amazing find! Burst of scholarship, hasn't been this much enthusiasm in theology, since advent of Calvinism! Our democrat friends aren't...