Separate names with a comma.
sorry to bug you guys again, but I am having some strange issues with my stereo. I am not sure if it is linked with the engine swap. the display...
just saw my mechanic this afternoon and he tells me i need a new driver side drive shaft boot. apparently my old one is leaking. anyone knows the...
Since I got my engine swap done this week. I am thinking of getting this done so i can always have my key fob in my wallet.
yeap. thanks to the wonderful people of now i can start pimping my prius like a #boss . . . :):)
Anybody able to get this to work? .
Is your Prius a plug in? .
so i got my car back from the shop. everything seem to be working so far. thank you guys for all your efforts. apparently one of the connectors...
yes sir
ok guys, so I think I am almost at the end of the tunnel. after successfully clearing the earlier codes with all your help, I got new codes today...
scan codes after engine swap
great help you guys. I feel like I am almost at the end of the tunnel. OK so I was able to get rid of the old codes with all your help...
I have got the same codes after swapping a new engine. can you give me a detailed instructions on how you fixed it?
The scan codes are U0110 P0A0D P0A09 Am I screwed?
did you finally get your prius to start? I also changed my engine last week and have not been able to get it to start
WOW!!! but the battery was working okay since i purchase it in 2015 till i blew the engine back in november '16 and parked it.
what would you advice I do??
248,585 miles
I would get the scan and codes when I visit the shop tomorrow morning. the 12 volt battery is okay since he claims the lights and dash are all...
the battery sat since november last year, so roughly four (4) months. do I need new batteries??
ok so mechanic finally finished the swap. unfortunately the engine won't start and he is getting a hybrid error. he claims a scan shows there are...