Separate names with a comma.
You'll know in a couple years. By then there might be a stock split, which should shut down any shorts that are still trading, and also help any...
Great interview. Watched to the very end, with that 50 cal. bullet on their table. There's a hint of battery future in there too; one just needs...
I get to see the percentage of people using their EBT cards at work, paying for (some of) their carts of food. That percentage has never...
If I had played the market (other than worrying about my 401k), and had bought TSLA at their mostly low points over the last couple of years, a...
Also a painful reminder that now even VW thinks there is no market for EV's in North America. I would love to jump 30 years into the future and...
This. While Musk is no Steve Jobs, even Steve had many other (and better) presenters at reveals and public meetings. Musk will forever be...
Hit $406 today? Woa!
^ Yes, and Simone can talk up TRUCKLA way better than Musk can present a major CYBRTRK reveal. Kidding, kinda, but geez, Elon is horrible in front...
Yes, yesterday was just a tad of a bummer for the shorts. I absolutely will lose sleep tonight over my sympathy for all of them. In a couple years...
Reminds me of when, about 10 years ago, I pulled into a station in my Gen3 Prius to buy about 1.5 gallons of gas for the mower (and none for my...
ICE cars (Hybrid and PHEV's) have been $101 for a couple years here in Illinois. Don't know what you read.
I have gas tank filling anxiety, every (~ 6 mos. average) that I might have to fill up. I also fear that I won't remember how to actually fill the...
Must have missed the city gate from that side. Perhaps Toyota SE decided to let some Prii loose in those parts. Still, to this day, have only...
Just your normal CR poor quality reporting. They missed Illinois' $248 EV reg. fee entirely. Went up from $18 per year previous to 2020.
Jerry, what is the third building in the set of pics above; not the Air B&B, I presume? I know that lighthouse pretty well, as we stayed in St....
^ And depending on if you are using a usb stick, or radio, or sat, holding down the Mode button acts like a mute or pause. the up or down (volume)...
OK, design polarizing, or not, I couldn't help but to notice that It will not have the greatest drag coefficient, good for a truck, but not model...
I'd love to see CYBRTRK dressed up in a Back to the Future treatment.
Well, Jerry, it can get worse in colder climates. Be happy with what you achieved with your 4.6. Just a week ago, with temps in the upper 20's...
It would be rather difficult these days to ask Ross what happened to those plans.