Separate names with a comma.
There is - you need to look a bit harder.
You're only contradicting known information and instructions if you were seeing 14V when the green LED on the charging cable was off and it wasn't...
Not directly on topic, but the comparative information might be useful to someone... In G5, the EV Mode is now even more "EV"y than the G4 EV...
Charging rate is the same - it's double the charging time for double the capacity and double the range. I don't know what your "10%" is referring to.
My only thought is do what the manual says - use the TE. There are cases where you could plausibly argue that previously a car was specced for...
Okay, I guess we can go back and try to dig through some of Paul's earlier work, having swapped in MG2. Even if we can't get through to Paul,...
Has Paul got MG1 and MG2 the wrong way around all this time? o_O I guess that answers my question about why the obsession with MG1 and ignoring...
The engine isn't prone to start in N. That's one of its key characteristics, and why leaving it in N is a bad idea. It will discharge the HV...
Yes, it must provided the desired amount of torque to the wheels - zero (or at least negligable drivetrain losses comparible to any other car in...
The older Prius manuals told you not to tow with the front wheels on the ground, but people did it anyway. G5 manual is more relaxed. The only...
While also making a Prius impossible to tow. o_O
Another point, while we're at it. In your fantasy world, why would the system run MG1 to compensate for drag? It's MG2 that is connected to the...
Those are your two contradictory misconceptions* next to each other. As you said about the first misconception, "If MG1 were allowed to...
I still want to know what the mechanism is that stops Paul's drag happening when going downhill, causing Paul's out-of-control runaway downhill...
You do have to have a feel for the forces involved. Like ChapmanF, I had the experience of powering a motor-generator via a hand-crank connected...
Is there any Prius gear Paul understands? Two down, only three remaining. And I've just realised he's got contradictory misconceptions. His whole...
Fancy linkage on the passenger wiper to cover more area than a simple rotating arm. Was also the case in at least one previous generation. Maybe...
What vvillovv said - it's complicated - but there are approximate hand-waving temperatures at which the behaviour shifts happen. Heat pump gives...
I had a similar annoyance, but it can be solved by configuring the car to fold the mirrors when turned off rather than when locked. It's one of...
In the G5 low fuel comes on with some range left, and some fuel gauge bar remaining. Range indicator continues counting down. When range would...