Separate names with a comma.
Yes sir. Still letting Alaskans through but I am glad I didn't have to drive it. Plus we just got it today and is in fine condition. Dang lots of...
Looks like I wont have to worry about that... we decided to ship her up. Hope fully be here early next week.
Talked with a couple that just went through in a RV and they said no problem at the border... they just want a person to be self-contained with...
True dat! I have the general number with no real person on the other side. I have emailed, no response. Yes, if you have a number I would be grateful!
There it is... the mew Spidey mobile
Thanks TP. Does BC have the same kind of information?
Looked on Google Maps last night and really didn't see much. Is there a specific area you are talking about? Thanks
It is a fuzzy area. According to my Senator's office about 80-90% of Alaskan's are making it through. Border should be fully open the 21st. Yes,...
It appears an "addition to". Wife wants the Prius. So here is the adventure part... I will be flying down to Seattle and then driving it back up...
Dude, just pulled the plug on an 2020 XSE. Whoop!
Just pulled the plug on a 2020 XSE! Whoop.
Yeah, I am guessing there is very little coordination going on. Just enough to make the show go on.
That's not very stimulating... ;)
Alaska going to start opening up Friday with limited services...
Son did today but he had direct deposit setup.
Dude, I get it... no repentance no healing...
Why yes: Matthew 24:37-40 37But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38For as in the days before the flood,...
Very true thus our current state of affairs.
A good point. While it was horrible for Jesus, he paid the price that we could not so we(believers) wouldn't have to go through the same. Death is...