Separate names with a comma.
You're exactly correct in how it's wired, there are no issues, it just works great. Then every few months I format the front and rear camera SD...
Since you're unsure, consider going cheap on your first dash cam to get your feet wet. It can always be moved to the rear window like the way I...
I run a good quality front windshield mounted camera, this one has built-in GPS and two lenses, a front facing lens and rear facing lens. Then...
Aftermarket TPMS Update: For those of you that own this type of aftermarket TPMS unit, I'd recommend that you place an order for new batteries...
Whether you you choose the tire size in my thread or go with the stock size, give great consideration to this particular tire. Better Handling...
Congrats on your new sticky thread ! Rob43
My highlighted statement is referring to using the Toyota OE 120v EVSE unit at 240 volts. When using the Toyota 120v EVSE at 240v, it will pull...
Please look up "Snake Oil", it means: phony, not real, worthless, junk, crap, fake....... I clearly stated in two different posts that I used...
How do you explain how I saved a brand new $12K BMW race motor with Moroso Ceramic Seal ? Rob43 PS, It's in my pictured #43 BMW race car...
You could always install a flexible ~100 watt 12v solar panel on your roof.... Rob43
About a decade ago, I developed a problem in my brand new $12K BMW race motor. After some contemplation, I decided I had very little to loose by...
What...there's no rear diff ? ;) Rob43
This statement should make 12v battery voltage A OK, so if you're still see a somewhat regular decline in 12v performance/capacity; I'd blame that...
I can't comment on your car stereo needs... As to 12v replacement, my typical 12v resting voltage is barely 12.3 volts, sometimes less. Recently...
I still highly recommend checking & occasionally trickle charging your 12v battery...even if it's brand new. Rob43 PS, I literally just took...
Consider switching over to E0 gasoline, it might be worth the extra drive to buy it and extra cost... You'll also get better MPG's when using E0...
I now know what's wrong with your Prime, you have a weak 12v battery that's in poor shape. It's most likely on it's way out right now, the BIG...
Can we assume that you're experiencing a 12v battery charging issue ? Rob43
Awesome ! Your Rob43 adapter will probably outlive your Prime. Rob43
I'm glad you're really enjoying your new Rob43 adapter ! Rob43