Separate names with a comma.
At 50% restricted all or most of the metal is coated in carbon, yes? That would decrease the EGR cooler's cooling ability as it is conductive....
At your next oil change I would run BG EPR for twenty minutes beforehand. That should clean your piston rings and all of the build-up from...
I haven't driven much at all this year b/c of Covid, but I'm around 162k miles. I might switch over to 5W-30 oil at my next change though, as...
Have you tried the BP treatment of 44K, EPR, and and MOA? They helped alleviate some of my 2010's oil burning after the first run, and I use the...
I've used them both. It wasn't on purpose, I just bought what was cheaper when I was looking. I think the 115 "Advanced" does some extra things...
No, I've just been using the same older cans. I'm pretty sure it's the exact same product just w/ a different label, for marketing purposes.
I first started using the products over a year ago and it took only one time to make a difference. I have burned roughly one quart every 5000...
I went from burning around a quart every 2500 miles to roughly a quart every 5000 miles. So far I've only noticed my car burning more oil if I'm...
I do 44K once a year, MOA and EPR at every 5K oil change.
Wow, the intake manifold was blocked solid!
That probably would have been much more efficient. Took me about an hour and a half using the siphon my friend brought me. I had to cut the...
I found some thinner tube in the garage that fit snugly into the siphon tube. I'll give that whirl in the morning. If nothing else, I can use...
Can I do that without lifting the car?
I've acquired a siphon but it's just too large to fit down the dipstick tube. Any suggestions?
It's way over the full mark. I'm a bit baffled honestly. When I checked this morning, there was just a drop of oil on the dipstick. So I would...
Unfortunately I don't think I have a way of draining it where I'm at unless I can find something to use as a siphon.
Around 160,000. Currently burning oil like crazy, but I've been in the mountains the last seven weeks so lots of uphill driving which pushes the...
Thank you. I checked my oil this morning and there was just the smallest amount on the bottom of the dipstick. I panicked and bought three...
Question - If oil is barely registered on the dipstick, how much oil is left in the pan itself?
There really should be better curriculum in schools on how to do proper presentations. A while back I was watching a Photoshop tutorial for a...