Separate names with a comma.
I had no idea. Do you know how much Toyota is selling them for?
OK. I replaced the original 12v with another 12v battery. No symptoms on start-up and I drove the car for 5 miles, came back into the garage, shut...
While waiting for another 12v battery, I decided to take the car around our community for a quick 2-minute drive and what has been consistent is...
I really appreciate everyone chiming in. That said, I realize that I don't contribute a dime to this forum(I probably should donate) except when I...
I can except that i can't ask my neighbour again to borrow his car. Wish there were places that would allow you to rent a 12v battery ?
Eventually, it will charge back up and then show green and the engine would stop running. When I switched back to the original battery, as soon...
Swapped out batteries but wasn't able to replicate the issue. Maybe since I didn't take the car for a ride and just let it sit in the Garage(It's...
Question - Is it safe to drive the car as-is for couple more days ? This is my daily commute car and have to either get a rental or drive as-is.
Thanks. Change done.
Well, I can borrow my neighbor's Prius and switch to his battery later tonight and see if the light still comes up on the dashboard. Good suggestion!
I have tried :) As soon as I got back with the codes, i tried to edit but I cannot seem to modify the title, only the body of the posting.
When you say worth fixing it - how much would you spend to keep it running say for another 5 years or until it hits 250k(Currently, it has 180k...
We have an addition to the family so we were looking to sell and trade up the car in the next 6 months perhaps to a Prius V but one that's more...
I just looked up an eBay seller who offers mobile installation but they have 6-month / 12 month /36 month and so on. Not sure if they are using...
Thanks. I think replacing the HV battery is the last thing any Prius owner doesn't want to hear. Would replacing block 3 be sufficient?i also,...
Went to Autozone and their tool didn't bring up any codes. Drove another 10 miles to Firestone and they pulled below codes. C1259 C1310 P0A80...
Thanks Patrick. You are right. I'll have to get the diagnostic codes and then determine.
So, I got the dreaded check engine, (!), red triangle, VSC light etc lights up on the dashboard yesterday. If I disconnect the 12V battery for 30...
11/20 Update: Battery has ZERO issues since the trickle charge and going strong. However, out of abundant caution, i replaced it with the one...
Update: After 7 days of driving(daily commute to work) and with over 500+ miles, including multiple stops and starts, the original 12v battery has...