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I'm somewhat skeptical given the source ... :rolleyes:
This is close to my neck of the woods. I was very sorry to hear about what happened, especially for the families, friends and coworkers of the...
Here's a recipe I started to make this weekend: Torihamu or Homemade Chicken "Ham" | Just Bento I'm sort of cheating here because this really...
Would you have to jailbreak the iMuffin to experience its full potential?
Knock 'em dead! :)
curry and rice [IMG]
wanted man!
Bird's eye view: *splat* "Direct hit!"
by a bumblebee? [IMG]
My Thursday isn't my Friday but it is the day my team has a concall with a client in Germany. Thus I'm at the office relatively early and picked...
I confess the first time I ever saw a Smart car was in Japan in 2001. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It looked like I could pick the thing...
Do you really think a cat would consent to being a mere "service animal"?
174 for me
You can't beat a good spork. Smooth sailing or choppy waters ahead?
Mad Hatter
"acquired taste" :D
Are we limited to one free question per post? How much are we charged for each additional question?
I confess I only watched one hour of the Superbowl.