Separate names with a comma.
The auto industry is very complicated to say the least. There are times that jumping on an idea is imperative to keep moving forward. And there...
Got you! My bad! All I know is the car turns off the fan when set to AUTO and engine temps are less than 100 °F unless also set to defog, which is...
This was my main point. If I turn the car to recirculate the heated air (closed blend door) it then decides to automatically go back to fresh...
This is one thing the automatic heat control does right. If turned to "auto" it doesn't turn on the heater until the engine is hot, usually...
I will definitely look around when it's time to buy a car. Hopefully I don't get another one like my Prius that's still sitting in the driveway,...
I usually start getting heat stroke at around 27 °C or 80 °F. I could stay outside all day long at -40 °C (-40 °F). I've done so at -48 °C or -52 °F.
Well, I'd ride my bike, but with my new snow plow job I gotta get to work in an on-call, get-here-in-an-hour fashion and trudge through deep snow...
I like reliability. But it seems that with current used car prices a used Toyota or used Honda are just too expensive, unless I get one with a lot...
This is kind of scary. The last time I figured out the 20/4/10 rule I figured I can only afford a $5,000 car. That, and my Avalon isn't worth all...
On average, yes. But 2 things: 1 you need a moisture source, such as a human body. And 2, when it's -30 °F isn't a battle with fog. It's a battle...
Colorado Law states that a car parked along a highway must have it's parking lights on. But apparently car companies think that you shouldn't be...
Perhaps. But then again nobody knows why the 12V was dead. It's a company car, all employees can use it. Who knows if maybe one of the EV haters...
I hate politics. One guy at work was ranting and raving how awful EVs are because the company's Ford F 150 Lightning needed to be jump started...
I think all of this political talk and whining is making me want to go get my ax and a frying pan and take my wife with me out into the wilderness...
The thing about the English language, as with any language, is you can't take everything literal. The terms "man" "men" "mankind" etc. can refer...
Who knows what will happen. But if Chinese cars keep being produced at such high volumes and low prices, putting up tariffs might be more like...
I think the problem about politics is that everyone just cares about themselves. I guess I'll just go shrivel up and die, nobody cares if I or my...
I once witnessed a car drive into a flooding street and die. Another car came up and tried to drive around it and died. Another came up and did...
I don't know if there is any perfect solution, but I do wonder, if health insurance is considered a necessity, why isn't it a mandated law that...
Any sort of investment isn't greed in and of itself. Greed is when money and what it can buy becomes more important to you than other more...