Separate names with a comma.
My search shows only 7 Hertz Teslas for sale in the country and all high mileage.
This relates to what?
Black in Phoenix? I don't think so.
Volvo, Alfa x2, VW x2, Porsche x 3, BMW, Nissan, Pontiac, Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, Toyota x 3, Honda x 2. Guess I have no brand loyalty. But...
I have a GM, Toyota, Ford, Nissan dealers row so it isn't just one brand. And lots of used car dealers too, some associated with dealers, some not.
But boy do I see those trucks piling up on both the new and used car lots around me. Must be the prices. Those who want one and can afford one are...
No current policy has had effect? Don't think of the tax rebate as a policy or think it had little effect?
There is a House of Politics for the totally political discussions, where politics is affecting Tesla we discuss here.
How many of your states have a safety inspection? My county is exempt from emissions inspections so they could get mileage from our safety...
I have a series of Ego tools. Makes a nice blower. Used it today and with multiple batteries, used it 2 weeks ago to blow pine needles off a 1...
And I'd want all of that and be willing to pay for it except it comes only with the pano roof which I hate and would thus disqualify the car as a...
Many options are just turn off this bit in the controlling computer. My every option model still has a blank panel where I wondered the other...
Ever been driving in the left lane when a bus or truck in the right lane obscures the traffic light? Or behind such a truck which truck enters...
So an SUV is now necessary for a high rating? I know a couple who traded in a 4 month old SUV because they found it difficult to get in and out...
This past week, an 8 overtime game. And then today, a 99 yard run back of an interception for a touchdown followed immediately with one for 100...
You are certainly welcome to your opinion. I treasure my memories of AU and the wonderful people who, in the month after 9/11, would say when...
What is the % of US content in a random US-built Tesla? Assuming materials costs is only 33% of cost, how will the tariff affect Tesla prices?
I have been trying to comply with a government mandate that all HOA/POA directors register via fincen to prevent multi-organization financial...
Ponder the question.... Which had more effect on the climate: SpaceX or EVs in total?
A fracking payment is Fracking payment is frequently a one time payment for right to run pipes hundreds of feet under ground where you own...