Separate names with a comma.
OP, TSS is not autopilot. I cannot/does not look at other lanes of traffic for DRCC, only directly in front of the car. If a vehicle is merging or...
With hands-free law requirements, no phone mount is best for liability. Also with Android Auto and CarPlay, there is no reason to need one. Use...
You might be on to something - maybe just have the next gen "Prius" be based off the Corolla. sales 2021 through Q3: Prius : 28,631 Prius Prime:...
Well, so much for BBB in 2021. We'll see what 2022 has in store for EV/PHEV credits...
Longo Toyota will sell at MSRP - but you have to wait. Could be months.
4 Ways To Stop Junk Mail - Clark Howard
I don't believe there were any substantial / structural changes between the years. 2020 had the 5 seat layout that has carried forward. Other...
Well, even at MSRP -$1500 Toyota rebate/cash and $4502 Federal Tax Credit, you could flip it in a couple of months for some profit, easily...
That's what I'm doing wrong! I've been putting the oil in the engine all these years.
Someone was wrong on the internet and I had to correct them! lol - sorry I'd argue that this entire thread is useless. OP hasn't stated why they...
You said ALWAYS and I proved you incorrect. Specific heat of liquids is "simple physics" :-D
Can't you just zip tie it to the PVC pipes?
You could also just try asking Google...! "does coolant or oil heat up faster in a car engine" does coolant or oil heat up faster in a car engine...
"ALWAYS"...? During warm up of an ICE, coolant gains heat much faster usually, simply due to the specific heat of water vs oil.
No. Why?
Seems like they're getting a ton of free marketing, actually...
Ah, okay - found that version and it has the 10 kwh battery limit, which would exclude the Prius (and Ioniq/Niro PHEVs). I just hope they sort...
Ugh - WTH Which bill text actually got passed? If we look at: Text - H.R.5376 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Build Back Better Act |
Because by limiting it to one per taxpayer per year, it prevents flippers. It is not one per household. As long as there is more than one taxpayer...
I see it now - thanks for pointing out the subsection intricacies. So a Rav4 Prime can get $4,000 next year, Prius Prime $0 due to less than 10...