Separate names with a comma.
Everyone forgets one factor. What about the fools and idiots who buy and use the crap?
I'm with our friends in Canada. They will eventually place a 100% tariff on all Tesla product made anywhere.
Will be a real gift to China.
My 2012 Prius v 2 has no internet connection. Many older cars that use 3G LTE can no longer connect either with the shutdown of 3G. Any logged...
I would only buy a noncritical not safely related part sold at a low price that requires very little labor to remove and reinstall.
That's why I will not buya new car that I s connected to the internet. No car like a Tesla for me.
I made a post a couple of years ago on how I pried out the plastic exhaust vents from the outside and fastened screens onto them before putting...
It depends if you are in a C.A.R.B. state. You give no location. Come back with your location first.
All knobs remote controls for drones, cars, thrusters on spacecraft, or whatever are centered and proportional with the resulting motion equally...
The current trend are sculptured odd shaped shift knobs that do not move in predictable linear tracks as did older supplied round ones. I would...
The cover is not sold at any Toyota dealer, but it is available at any Lexus dealer.
There are no manual drive Prius ml models. Ib b are a Gen 5 Prius shifter and have made several aftermarket replacement shift knobs.
I have both the M18 Milwaukee and the Ryobi 40 volt blowers. I've used the Milwaukee for 6 years and aquire the Ryobi a year ago. I still poo...
It's death and taxes according to Richard Saunders that cannot be avoided. .
That's why I renew my 90 day prescriptions at the earliest possible time when the renewal windows opens. Over the years, I have accumulated...
Like the spare tire or the fire extinguisher, food or other supplies is not really wasted if never used. The security provided is priceless.
If you are descended from the Irish who immigrated to the US in the 1840's during the Great Potato Famine, you are as the result of a tariff...