Separate names with a comma.
:) Thanks guys! radio
Ah, thanks Andy! I bet they don't much like that. Oh well... r
I appologize if this has been hashed over a lot, but I didn't find much in search and havn't been here in a while. Aren't PiP owners suppossed...
Same here! Getting close to my first oil change....
One minor (I guess) problem I have with my SG is that it can exaggerate MPG. For instance, when stopped with the ice off, it reads 0.0 MPG which...
But what about the current draw on all these cheap pumps? Aren't most of these pumps close to the 'allowable' draw on the cig lighter? Wouldn't...
Hey thanks rockerdan! Some excellent mods there; I just ordered some LEDs and I'm looking over your other ideas. Nice lookin' ride and thanks...
I see that... This survey has expired. radio
Well in my case, we do very little daily driving, being retired. Then about once a month or so we take a round-trip drive up to the bay area,...
Hey thanks for the tip ukr2! Think I'll do the same... radio
Wow, I never knew Georgia was so cool! Thanks for the research. radio
Nice lookin' ride rockerdan, congrats! Rock on.... radio
Personally, I could care less about the carpool stickers... it's just a way-cool car that I've been waiting years for now. I got the stickers...
We traded our 2010 in for the PiP (which is what I wanted all along) and it's such a cool car, I'm very glad we did. I have the green stickers but...
------ --------------------------------------- You only get 22 to 23 mpg??? That's pretty hard in a Prius... Plug-in or not!
Well put bilofsky, thanks!
That does look like a really cool mount for my Garmin GPS, I just wish it wasn't so darned expensive for a little piece of plastic... Thanks for...
Paradox, I did get the Swag Bag from the Prius team, but weren't we supposed to get some other swag if we pre-ordered and used a 'PC certified'...
dumb post on my part, sri.