Separate names with a comma.
Recent earthquake swarm under Santorini has been sudden, strong and not known to me if unprecedented. It could pop, sure, you betcha.
Overview: USA National Science Foundation funded research totaling $USD 8.49 billion in 2021, of which $USD 819 million (9.6%) went to biological...
Teump now vs. science Form your own opinions.
One voice here would supersede epidemiological research only by saying so. PriusChat's diversity allows this to happen, and I say YES! Let it be...
Beneficial effects of COVID vaccines (vary, and) are known to many here. But not seen by all. Prophylacsis is the right word to describe them....
Human mortality is one of the certainties (Bob mentions another above). Getting on the wrong side of any angry virus can bring it sooner...
Put effort into lightning protection for exposed items. There are nets and other forms of hail protection available. I guess they get deployed by...
To any who got through that, give yourselves gold stars. The real tough sledding is here:...
The Italy thing in 1878 was probably/maybe the same virus. Has not been confirmed to my knowledge. Influenza viruses were first isolated in...
H5N1 (a bad strain of it) comes to Nevada cows H5N1 bird flu spills over again; Nevada cows hit with different, deadly strain - Ars Technica...
Me too Weather Forecast Reliability: What is it?