Separate names with a comma.
US scientists are not allowed to participate in developing the next IPCC Climate assessment:
"Reg's may have changed in the '60s ..." Could we restate that as did? It matters.
In that case, view reviews and current prices of suitable devices and select among those. That is really crap advice, isn't it?
"I was hoping our intellectual betters might proffer an example of exactly HOW you tell that each and every serialized bar could be inspected"...
Solar things are widely reviewed/ranked on internet and many come from :eek::eek:China. :eek:My only suggestion would be to choose and buy quickly...
I dare to suggest that outcomes of this vault visit will be Looks OK Prior Administrations were bad for not making visits A small number of vault...
No. Are you asking me this?
Slow news day, so I expound on CO2 measurement technology. Structure of CO2 gives wiggles that express themselves with infrared light. This is how...
diethylstilbestrol was in obvious hindsight, a mistake Are the Effects of DES Over? A Tragic Lesson from the Past - PMC The...
I wonder what examinations will be preformed during Ft. Knox site visit. How will success (gold is still there) or failure (gold is not) be...
"DeepSeek to provide 'facts' about the T..." That will not work it has built-in inhibits on many topics including yours. That has been explored...
" ...cannot purge 150-year-olds with SSNs ..." Are there amounts of money you would wager on this for 1, 100, 10,000 or a million examples? You...
If so, and if geometrical optics are not now taught in secondary schools as they were when I was a pup, that would be bad. More broadly, not...
"I also have a needle phobia ..." As do I, but mine is purely visually based. With eyes averted even18-ga 'whole blood draw needles' are...
I have read Fort Knox audits have been to confirm hold purity by spot checks. To avoid the Bisco scenario.
It comes from vaccinations, improved treatments, and genetic changes away from lethality that COVID Is now killing less than 3000 per month...
"it isn't the virus that kills people, it is the immune systems reaction to the virus" The infection itself does kill people. Patients needing...
I comment on a disparity that has appeared here. Regular people present opinions here or wave the scent of conspiracies. I see no reason to speak...
Any newer or more comprehensive review of neurological side effects would be most welcome. But for now: A review of neurological side effects of...
As interest in covid wanes, let me discuss this: that which does not kill me, makes me stronger. When true and when not? There are clear examples...