Separate names with a comma.
At 9:00am this morning our county health dept opened an 800 slot on-line signup for vaccinations this coming Thursday. There were 20 slots per...
It keeps on getting better. Even though I ordered Oct 22nd which was well before the Free Supercharging offer, I took delivery in 2020 so I still...
Cloudy day above vs sunny day below. Tint looks darker, color pops more. White balance was good and no color corrected applied or needed. OK I'm...
Can you google for any local bee keepers? They will often rush to help if they are close. At least they do here.
The heat pump in mine worked just fine the other morning @15° with no preheating.
That depends on the voltage you use to supply the charge and the % level of battery from and to points. The big DC super chargers are very fast....
The Y's do seem to be getting better. The Model 3 went through the same progression. I'm sure the cybertruck will have early issues as well. I...
Having read everything I could find on Tesla from owners and reviewers for almost two years, I was very aware of issues perceived and real going...
I was a bit surprised as well. Obi Wan Prime trained my foot very well. ;) I was in error on the tint % above. I thought it was 35% but it...
In the Year 2525 . . . . ;) [MEDIA]
I've had the Model 3 for two weeks and I absolutely love it. Every time I walk into the garage I smile. I love the red. Our weather has been cold...
He is . . . not.
How far?
No users here apparently. Just to let anyone considering for the future, I've been using Tesla-Fi for over a week. I'm seriously impressed with...
Yeah, well it's still 2020 . . . .
I saw the same slow response, this site only. Everything was there, just dished put very slowly. Reminded me of dial-up days.
Bob, I'm so sorry about Holly. I know what a herculean effort you made on her behalf. I watched Dad do the same thing for Mom until he physically...
Not a bad idea. Our winds have been horrible, 20-30 mpg and gusty. I would like that to calm down a bit to remove variables. I'll use the covers...
Thanks! It was a chore, but somebody had to use up that excess battery charge.;) Sitting in the garage with the very efficient heat pump heater...
+1 One of my favorite car forums has these. It adds a nice informative granularity to what's being liked.