Separate names with a comma.
Get the trouble codes from the car and post them here. Stop trying to reset and ignore them.
See this post, which is about the engine water pump, but the control scheme is the same. In the tachometer signal coming back from the pump,...
So you're saying you think the same effect you described as "sudden braking" here: should also be so negligible as to be indistinguishable at 15...
You proposed an experiment that would show that. The experiment you proposed was conducted, and the car took the same 3 city blocks to roll out...
How do you picture that "runs MG1 to compensate" happening when the system power is cut, as in the experiment that you proposed in #28 and that I...
Ok, what do you believe happens in the neutral-with-power-cut experiment that Paul proposed in #28 and that I conducted in #30? The MG rotors are...
What do you believe happens in the neutral-with-power-cut experiment that you proposed in #28 and that I conducted in #30?
That video has come up before; it's made by someone who doesn't even know what he has done with that paper clip. There are a handful of different...
Part of it may come to the question, if the parent can't or won't, does the state want to punish the child for his or her ill-considered choice of...
Was that a change for gen 4? A gen 3 will turn the engine right off at 105℃, if the ECM is reporting a water pump issue. (Nothing special happens...
From Wayne's description of the trip: Interstates: 50 to 60 mph <-- This is where I said goodbye to 100 mpg somewhere in Arkansas on the 40...
Up through gen 3 at any rate, there is a non-scan-tool, jumper-wire dance for the linear solenoid relearn, in case you are stuck with a scan tool...
If it's like a gen 3, and knows it has a water pump problem, it probably shuts the engine down (with check-engine and master warning lights, and...
Perhaps I can get away with revealing it's a press release based on FY'22 data, showing an 8.9% increase in average per-pupil spending for FY'22...
I do not have a Prius c wiring diagram handy, but someone will probably want to look at that. Toyota Service Information and Where To Find It |...
70 MPG is commendable. It's still another league to post numbers like, say, Wayne Gerdes does: Stock Toyota Prius Breaks MPG Record for...
Well, it tells you what it tells you, which is that the electrical reading from the coolant temperature sensor was off-the-scale low. Because the...
I just have Day feet. Oh the agony of day feet.
I posted mine a few years ago. Looks like Techstream displayed my min as 0.249. Maybe it's the 'min' of the EGR flow test that I remember seeing...
What was the prompt that produced that AI Overview?