Comments on Profile Post by ColoradoCrow

  1. jerrymildred
    The panels run my house (and also help the neighbors for much of the day). I plug my car in just like anyone else and the panels feed the house. When that's not enough, the electric company makes up the difference. My house has no battery. That would be so expensive it would have doubled the cost and canceled the financial advantage of the solar power.
    Jul 10, 2023
  2. ColoradoCrow
    Ahh ok. We are looking into a Tesla power wall and would need to save a solar roof as my HOA doesn’t allow solar panels. We are working on that. Do you recommend a solar company?
    Jul 15, 2023
  3. jerrymildred
    Sadly, the solar company that installed mine seems to be out of business. They were struggling to find skilled and willing workers (as are most businesses). Here's one possible resource. I have not used them, but they seem to know what they're talking about.
    Jul 16, 2023
    ColoradoCrow likes this.
  4. jerrymildred
    Jul 16, 2023
    ColoradoCrow likes this.