Comments on Profile Post by TheRedRocker

  1. Mendel Leisk
    Mendel Leisk
    If you’re reading up here, and DIY’ing, a plug-in with 58k miles is a good bet. Doubly so if a good number of the miles were EV mode.

    One more thing I can think of: brake booster pump (never remember exact name) has been failure prone on 3rd gen. Listen for pressurizing sound during test drive, and odd grunt sound when coming to stop.
    Jun 24, 2022
  2. TheRedRocker
    Thank you, Mendel, I appreciate your advice.
    So hearing the pressurizing and grunt sound are good sounds? I will read up on Gen3 brake booster.
    Jun 24, 2022
  3. Mendel Leisk
    Mendel Leisk
    The pressurizing sound, just so you can recognize, is what you typically hear when first opening the drivers door. After that it should be quite infrequent. If you hear it often, say every 30 sec subsequently, and/or grunt sound when stopping, it’s sign booster pump is failing. You’re looking at $2~3k to fix through dealership. There is warranty extension, but with time and mile limit.
    Jun 24, 2022
    TheRedRocker likes this.
  4. TheRedRocker
    Thank you, Mendel
    Jun 27, 2022
    Mendel Leisk likes this.