Comments on Profile Post by alexeft

  1. Flying White Dutchman
    Flying White Dutchman
    sending cost and you still have to instal it i am not sure if its a great think to do.
    Dec 3, 2013
  2. Flying White Dutchman
    Flying White Dutchman
    Go and google about salved batterys in the us!
    or contact luciuos garage or that other one i forget right now
    Dec 3, 2013
  3. alexeft
    The US shops are not accessible to me because of customs duties. I live in Greece.
    Dec 3, 2013
  4. Flying White Dutchman
  5. Flying White Dutchman
    Flying White Dutchman
    Ow you live in greece....... then just find a local salvage yard where there is a prius and make a offer on the battery
    Dec 3, 2013
  6. alexeft
    I would but everything prius is too expensive here :(
    Dec 3, 2013
  7. Flying White Dutchman
    Flying White Dutchman
    did you already look at salvage?
    i would like to help you but have no time.
    did you try to look on ebay? they offer batterys to sometimes.
    Dec 3, 2013
  8. alexeft
    Yep, I had a look around just to get prices. I thought you would know something specific that you could easily give me.

    If you have to look around then please, don't waste your time.
    You have already done enough. Thank you, really!
    Dec 3, 2013