Yeah, I'm interested in upping the ante in picture quality. I have to try so hard with an iPhone to get pics that look "non-cellphone like". You recommend one of those for a beginner photographer trying to go prosumer?
Also, how has your front "splitter" lip held up? I'm tempted to buy one, has it affected mpg?
if you've got the budget even for a decent entry-level dslr with a kit lens then go for it. heaps better quality than the best phone cam. once you get accustomed with the kit lens, buy a 50mm f/1.8 or f/1.4 and you're images will truly stand out. : )
the lip came with double-sided tape attached already so I only had to peel off and stick to the underside. however, it would be best to fasten it with clips together with the factory screws (which is what i did) or extra screws with washers every inch or so,
or even better, a strip of aluminum which covers the whole length that you can screw in place. at the front, the underside of the stock air dam is quite thin the tape only holds on to half of it that's why you need to fasten it securely.
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