Vigil in Providence, RI tonight for 1000 war dead

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by prius04, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA
    Why would I give this government extra money just so they can give it to rich people?

    Since my government has no interest in investing money in common people I have to do it myself. And that is where any extra money I might have goes.

    I was just thinking. You've now slandered me twice. You questioned my motives when I went to this vigil, and now you've called me a hypocrite. And up to now I always was quite impressed with the wonderful decorum on this board.
  2. Sun__Tzu

    Sun__Tzu New Member

    May 4, 2004
    Bethesda, MD
    Along the same lines, many Republicans essentially blame Clinton for 9/11, saying that Bush was "only" in office for 9 months. These same people ALSO blame Clinton for the first WTC attack, which occured barely a MONTH after he took office. Could a Bush-booster please explain that disconnect?

    If the recent recession was a mess that Bush inherited from Clinton, then isn't the recession of the early 90s a mess that Bush 41 inherited from Reagan?
  3. jayjohnson

    jayjohnson New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
    Tax Cuts

    The statements made about the future of the US and the world are just that - opinions, unless some of you have the ability to foretell the future. And that's fine. We all have a right to our opinions.

    However, I would like to take exception to some of the comments about the recent tax cuts. I am a volunteer tax preparer for low and low middle income taxpayers through a program sponsored by AARP and the IRS. Last spring I did over 200 returns, and I can tell you without exception, ALL of these low and low middle income taxpayers received a tax cut. How could they not when the low bracket tax rate went from 15% to 10% and the child tax credit went from $600 to $1000 per child? Granted, they didn't receive tax cuts of thousands of dollars as some very high income taxpayers did, but you must remember that the vast majority of taxes in this country are paid by the higher income folks. Many of the lower income taxpayers pay little or no income tax so naturally their tax cuts will be lower. Percentagewise, most low income taxpayers received larger cuts than the high income taxpayers. I have heard this argument so often about how the wealthy got all the tax cuts, and I really don't believe most people realize how little taxes low income people pay. I'm not saying this is right or wrong, but it's a fact.

    Now if what you desire is a redistribution of wealth and income from the wealthy to the poor (much of which already takes place through our income tax, welfare systems, Medicaid, Social Security, etc.), then you are really talking about socialism.
  4. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    (prius04 statements in red)

    Why would I give this government extra money just so they can give it to rich people?

    There you go again! The tax cuts lessened every tax payers tax burden. Why would “rich people†want to give their own “extra money†to this government just so they can give it out in income redistribution? It's not the government's money!

    Since my government has no interest in investing money in common people I have to do it myself. And that is where any extra money I might have goes.

    OhmyGod!!! YOU are a closet Republican. (How’s that for perceived slander?)

    That is exactly the Republican’s point. YOU are able to spend YOUR money more wisely for yourself than a bloated government ever could.

    As you had stated in one of your posts, “I'll be OK because I've got a good deal of money put away and I'm nearing retirement. (In fact, I benefited from Bush's tax cuts . . .†By your own admission, you now have "extra money" (no “might have†slimy copout allowed!) So, when you are donating that “extra†money to your “common peopleâ€, be sure to tell them it was President Bush’s tax cut that allowed you to be so generous.

    You've now slandered me twice.

    Slander n.

    1. Law. Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
    2. A false and malicious statement or report about someone.

    Please do point out the “false and malicious statementâ€(s) you accuse me of making toward you, and I “might have†a reason to apologize. Disagreeing is not slander per se, but you may have felt maligned . . . considering our differences, politically speaking.

    You questioned my motives when I went to this vigil, and now you've called me a hypocrite.

    No, I questioned’s motives regarding the "vigil." They may have asked YOU to “pledge NOT to make this vigil political in any way.†- but that does not prevent from using this event - and those who they can sucker under false pretense to attend - from using the event as a political statement.

    From the web site regarding the “vigilâ€:
    “It's up to us, evidently, to show the Bush administration what it means to support our troops.â€


    As for calling you a hypocrite: Stop making hypocritical statements and I will stop pointing them out.

    And up to now I always was quite impressed with the wonderful decorum on this board.

    This is “Fred's House of Pancakes . . . First Amendment is your friend in here.†Mine too.
  5. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA

    Please note that you are refering to federal income taxes. Federal income taxes did indeed go down for all groups and common people DID get money back. But common people got very small amounts back as opposed to the elite. So for all intents and purposes, saying that all the money went to the rich is for practical purposes true.

    Secondly, Federal taxes do not exist in a vacuum. When they go down, unless there is a major cut in services, other taxes just have to go up. And this is exactly what is happening. All across America either state taxes or local property taxes have gone up and the kind of taxes that have gone up are regressive taxes. The kind of taxes as well as fees that have gone up affect common people more that the elite so they have way more than taken away the tax refunds. Now I'm sure you can find examples where it has not, but that is generaly what has happened.

    And as for redistribution of wealth, that is also something that has happened over the last 3 years, from common people, to the elite.

    And when you you say that most low income people got larger tax cuts than richer people please be careful. When a person goes from paying $100 in taxes to $50 in taxes, that is a 50% tax cut. But when someone goes from paying $100,000 in taxes to paying $80,000 in taxes, this is only a 20% tax cut. 20% is in fact less than 50% and the Bush campaign has made this point over and over and I have a feeling that this is what you meant above though you did not use the word "percent". But $50 is meaningless compared to $20,000. And when you consider all the other increases that the person who got the $50 back has foisted upon him, it more than takes that $50 away.

    Both you and sufferin prius envey seem to think that progressive taxation is a horrible thing so we need to get rid of it and Bush has done a good thing to have made a significant dent in it. You seem to think that progrssive taxation is "socialist" and or a form of "redistributon of wealth".

    I would argue and I think the evidence is overwheliming that it was progrssive taxation that contirbuted to the phenomenal growth of the 20th century. There was no such thing as progressive taxation prior to about 1913. So one need only look at growth rates prior to 1913 and those after 1913. Books have been written on this difference and why this change was so great for the USA so I'm not going to go into it here.

    But progressive taxation hurts rich people so over the last 40 years or so, rich people and rich corporations have been spending billions of dollars on setting up think tanks and consolidating American media so a differnet message gets to the voters. They even created an entire televison network from scratch to create what I consider a false message.

    And they have been very successful and are winning. So be it. As I said before, I think the USA of 20 years from now, if we even have one considering who's in charge now and apt to be elected this time, will suffer greatly by the change that has taken place in our tax structure and other things.

    In the 20th century, this country learned how to "empower" common people. The Unions helped, progressive taxation helped, bigger government helped by limiting just how much corporations could screw us, and through massive government programs like the interstate highway system, the electrification of rural Amerca and through things like Pell grants and mortgage assist programs. The creation of unemployment comp systems and retirement plans and such. All of these programs are examples of big government and big regulation and progressive taxation.

    There was none of this kind of thing in the 19th century, and I fear there will be a lot less of it in the 21st.

    But I'll be OK. But the country I love deeply won't. That's just my opinion and that is where I think the evidence of history points to.

    And to envy, I am a member of and there is no doubt in my mind that they love this country as much as I do. So when you slander them, you slander me. And it is one thing to accuse someone's post of being hypocritical, it is quite another to accuse the poster of being a hypocrite. The first is simply a difference of opinion, the second is closer to slander. (Maybe not "legal" slander, but slander nonetheless.)

    Now in regards to welfare and social security being examples of "reditribution of wealth". Federal welfare is nearly gone. Any welfare system that is still in your state is paid for now almost completely by state funds. And state funds are a lot more regressive than federal funds so they are a lot less progressive and therefore are not an example of money going from one class to another.

    And Social Security is absolutely not an example of redistribution. Poorer people pay more for social security as a percent of their income because the wealthy have "caps". Yet the wealthy collect more because as a group they tend to live longer.

    I care very much for America. And I also care about getting my view across because I think there are very powerful interests that care more about profits than patriotism. And those powerful interests have spent billions in fashioning a message that is in their interests and not in this countries. This is just how I feel and I think the evidence to support that conclusion is overwhelming.

    But I realize I'm probably losing my battle and I accept that. But I'm not giving up.

    I also have respect for Sufferin' Prius Envy and JayJohnson and others with views that I disagree with. If I didn't respect you I'd ignore you.

    Maybe because you are a Prius owner I feel that I just might be able to get you to see the world as just a little different than you do. In my view, the only hope for the American people to get there government back out of the hands of the corportaions that now own it, is to get common American to realize what is happening so common American's can get back to voting for progressives like we did through most of the 20th century. And back then, it worked for common Americans, and thereby it worked for America.
  6. jchu

    jchu New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    Nampa, ID
    Don't give up! As you point out, looking at percentages when dealing with the Bush tax cuts is very misleading. Furthermore R. Reagan and his trickle down guru, (can't think of his name off hand) ultimately realized that "Trickle Down" didn't work and in the end quietly repudiated it. Larger, disposable income to the rich does not stimulate the economy nearly the way that allowing the low income families who can't meet thier basic needs more take home salaries which they can and will spend on merchandise. (By the way at the current federal minimum wage, one has to work 60 hrs/week, just to reach the current recognized poverty level!).

    It is also notable that even some of America's elite, most notably Bill Gates Sr. (don't know about Jr.) have actively lobbied against elimination of the Inheritance tax (a.k.a. the "death" tax), based on the idea that we each create our own opportunities and success in this country rather than inheriting a life of leisure from our progenitors. And that elimination of the Inheritance tax only creates a defacto aristocracy which is the antithesis of the American model.

    As usual just my 2 cents,
  7. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA
    I just read my post a realized that by professing my patriotism and love of this country that I may have implied an attack on yours. I'm sorrry, this is not what I meant to do.

    Although I do question the patriotism of corporations that "technically" move their offices to places like Bermuda but still have 99% of their operations in the USA, just to avoid taxes.

    And I do think that most Republicans also vote for what they have been led to beilieve is best for the USA.

    All I wanted to do was to make clear that I TOO am patriotic when I vote against this man in the White House and that organizations like are also motivated out of a love of this country.

    So in defending my motives I may have impugned yours. Sorry.
  8. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    What really baffles me is the 180-degree turn that the Republican Party did on fiscal responsibility. The Balanced Budget Amendment was originally a Republican idea. Ronald reagan campaigned on a promise of a balanced budget. Once in office he ran up a record-breaking deficit, and with it a record-breaking national debt. This situation continued through Bush Sr., and it was Clinton, the conservative democrat, who not only balanced the budget, but paid off the debt and left his successor the greatest surplus in history.

    It took W. a couple of years to squander that surplus and break Reagan's record, giving us a new record national debt.

    He gives lots of reasons and excuses, claiming "the people" (i.e., his rich friends) "deserve" their money back, and ranting about the need to fight a war against a country that had nothing to do with the attack on us, and whose brutal dictator was matched in brutality by many our country supports and has supported in the past (hint, hint: the House of Saud, great buddies of W).

    But the bottom line is, what happened to fiscal responsibility? What happened to living within your means? What happened to pay as you go and paying your own way, rather than leaving collossal debts for your grandchildren to pay off??????????
  9. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Thank You prius04 for confirming your standing as a member of It just confirms my suspicions regarding your post which started this string. “I just checked my email and found out . . .â€

    Don’t you think that you were being a little deceptive?

    You could have just as easily wrote: Hi everyone, I am a member in good standing of We are organizing a rally tonight to . . . Oh, and by the way we at are, in promoting this vigil, aligned/affiliated ourselves with the Win Without War coalition which among their members includes United For Peace who’s stated goals include . . .

    • Working to counter military recruitment of young people, particularly people of color and others who are denied decent job and educational opportunities**

    • Opposing the occupation of Afghanistan and U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine**

    • A visible and assertive street presence wherever major candidates appear, including the presidential and vice presidential debates, demanding an end to the occupation and empire-building agenda;

    ** We want to call attention to the need to develop concrete proposals for UFPJ’s work on these issues.

    “That the vigil WAS ONLY to honor the fallen.â€

    B.S! That was only the publically sated reason.

    I think you need to brush up on that High School debating class debating technique you read about, and accused me of using. I did face your “factual points†(regarding the "vigil") and I do at the same time attack your motives - But, you may notice, I did not ever question your patriotism.
  10. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA
    Wow, you make a list of "stated goals" of an organization that is "affiliated" in some way with another organization that is "affilitated" in some way with

    You thus imply that therefore professes those "stated goals".

    And you call me deceptive?

    Please, let me know where you found out about these afiliations. I went to the moveon site and couldn't find them.
  11. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Just to point out...I watched a couple of the 9/11 memorial ceremonies this weekend. Most were led by or had key speakers from the Bush admin. There were an aweful lot of political comments on how much safer we are today and how this administration will never let up until this 'war' is won....

    Will you hard and fast anti-Move-on vigil folks be stating a protest against that politicization of a public memorial?

    And, to keep the balance, Prius04...I'm a voting democrat, but this BS about ignoring the common folk and giving money to the rich??? I don't know where you come from or who you know or where you get your [false] data, but this hard working doctor who spent my first 30 years of life acrueing dept and working my nice person off to get my medical degree is one pissed off SOB who's sick and tired of seeing over 50% of my income going to federal & state income tax and sales tax. 50%....and then I go to work and have to take care of 100% perfectly able bodied patients who have Medicaid and don't feel the least bit guilty about taking an ambulance to the hospital for a sore throat or sprained ankle and demanding extra work-ups that are totally unnecessary and wanting prescriptions for tylenol and ibuprofen. No one I know who holds down a job and pays their own taxes would ever ask for those thing or even consider taking an ambulance for anything less than a very serious or potentially life threatening event.

    The list of programs that money goes to the common people for is HUGE. If I'm asking too much to see $20k of my own hard earned cash put back into my pocket while someone else who made their choices and has a lower paying job than I gets a larger proportion but total absolute amount...then I'm sorry, but I'll be DAMNED if I'll feel guilty about it.

    I pay way way more than my fair share of taxes...I don't see you feeling bad for the rich folks paying both a much higher proportion of their EARNINGS and a much much larger absolute amount.
  12. jchu

    jchu New Member

    Mar 2, 2004
    Nampa, ID
    Obviously Evan and I as 2 practicing physicians disagree somewhat. While I hear and understand Evan's point, what I also see is patients who too often cannot afford the meds they need. And yes Evan it bugs me sometimes when they would rather spend it on cigarettes. While I agree that there is much abuse in the system, there are also the truely needy who get less than they disserve out of our current medical system. And I truely believe that BASIC health care is a right not a priviledge. I take all medicaid and medicare comer as well as champus (military medical insurance which has a rep for poor reimbursement)
  13. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Prius04, Please reread my paragraph that has you upset, and this time don’t gloss over the part where I write “in promoting this vigil†. And please forgive my past/present tense “are/have†mistake. Not that it makes a dif.

    “You could have just as easily wrote: Hi everyone, I am a member in good standing of We are organizing a rally tonight to . . . Oh, and by the way we at are [have], in promoting this vigil, aligned/affiliated ourselves with the Win Without War coalition which among their members includes United For Peace who’s stated goals include . . .â€

    Here is the trail from to United For Peace you asked for.

    1) “ . . .working together through the Win Without War coalition to make this possible.â€

    2) “. . . the Win Without War coalition, our member organizations, and others including UFPJ . . .â€

    3) “ . . .• Working to counter military recruitment of young people . . • Opposing the occupation of Afghanistan and U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine . . . • A visible and assertive street presence . . .†(AND OTHER SCAREY STUFF!!!)

    DECEPTIVE??? I don’t just make things up. But I do also think the saying “Guilty by Association†applies here.

    I also meant to comment on another one of your statements:

    “Maybe because you are a Prius owner I feel that I just might be able to get you to see the world as just a little different than you do.â€

    Yes, I am the impetus in my family in purchasing a Prius on moral grounds and I’m the one who would have a “Bush in ‘04" sticker on the back of my Prius if I didn’t also have a wife who’s political orientation I respect. Not only is she a liberal UC Berkeley graduate and all that implies, she was also a member of the Berkeley Chapter of the Feminist Alliance!!!

    I have traveled extensively around the world and have seen first hand REAL object poverty (Africa, The Philippines) and political oppression (the former Yugoslavia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea). I’ve watched “poor†people here in the USA drive their car to the store, buy nonessential food products on welfare stamps, and chat on a cell phone while doing so. (What’s up with that?) And I have watched the so called “politically oppressed†here demonstrate in the streets . . . try that in China or the other countries I’ve mentioned and it would probably get you killed.

    So don’t delude yourself into thinking that you . . . just might be able to get me to see the world as just a little different. . .

    Me personally, I think it is you who can use having your horizons expanded.
  14. Sun__Tzu

    Sun__Tzu New Member

    May 4, 2004
    Bethesda, MD
    Really? Is that the best you guys can do? "Its much worse in most parts of the world, so you should all just sit down and shut up." I'd like to think that American can and always will TRY to do BETTER (I'd also like to think that Kerry stole that line from me).

    Have you ever told your wife "well, at least I don't beat and rape you like some husbands; you should be THANKFUL!" If you truly believe that the United States of America is the greatest thing to happen to mankind, a dynamic insturment of change and a beacon of hope to the world, then I think you'd agree that the US should always strive to be the most free, the most fair, and the most just society it can be. The goal shouldn't be to do _just_ enough to stay ahead of the pack.

    One in five children in the wealthiest nation in the world live in poverty. Yes, some people abuse and game the system; that's both unfortunate and unfair. There are some who intentionally bear children they cannot hope to support, all b/c of the welfare state. The system needs a fix, but letting children starve shouldn't be one of the options.

    Food stamps seems to be a popular right-wing target, probably because of Reagan's fictional "welfare queen." Do any of you have any idea how much is actually spent on Food Stamps annually? $16.6 bln in 2002, an estimated $19.2 bln in '03, and an estimated $22.6 bln in '04.

    Did you know: there's a not-insignificant number of military families on welfare, who depend on Food Banks for their meals. I guess those lazy bastards shouldn't spend so much damn time in Iraq and Afghanistan, and get a real damn job.

    Speaking of the military, the DoD's budget was $343 bln. Russia spends $60 bln, China spends $42 bln, and Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria spend a COMBINED $14 bln. So we could halve our defense budget and still dramatically outspend every single potential enemy on the planet. If you're looking for waste, look no further than what Republican President Dwight David Eisenhower termed the Military Industrial Complex. You could spend all day slashing at Food Stamps and Head Start and not come close to a 1% savings. Or we could cut waste at the DoD and still be extremely safe.
  15. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA

    Here is the trail from to United For Peace you asked for.

    1) “ . . .working together through the Win Without War coalition to make this possible.â€

    2) “. . . the Win Without War coalition, our member organizations, and others including UFPJ . . .â€

    3) “ . . .• Working to counter military recruitment of young people . . • Opposing the occupation of Afghanistan and U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine . . . • A visible and assertive street presence . . .†(AND OTHER SCAREY STUFF!!!)

    [color=#] [/color]

    I followed those links and I still can’t see any indication that agrees with those statements. In fact, I saw no evidence that there even is a link to the unitedfor peace group at all and they are the one that you quote so much.

    As for the other group, winwithoutwar, moveon’s link to that group is simply the use of the word “together [we can get things done]â€. And I read what they stand for and they seem to think that we should be working to prevent terrorism by working with our allies. What’s wrong with that? I could not find them saying those other things. UFP group does seem to say those things but then I found no link to them on the moveon link above.

    I have traveled extensively around the world and have seen first hand REAL object poverty (Africa, The Philippines) and political oppression (the former Yugoslavia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea). I’ve watched “poor†people here in the USA drive their car to the store, buy nonessential food products on welfare stamps, and chat on a cell phone while doing so. (What’s up with that?) And I have watched the so called “politically oppressed†here demonstrate in the streets . . . try that in China or the other countries I’ve mentioned and it would probably get you killed.

    Are you really saying that just because the poor in the USA are better off than the poor in China, etc., that it’s OK to ignore them? You are welcome to your opinion, but I certainly don’t agree. In regards to food stamps, this country has tried a number of times to get rid of food stamps but the agricultural lobby blocks it every time.
  16. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA
    And, to keep the balance, Prius04...I'm a voting democrat, but this BS about ignoring the common folk and giving money to the rich??? I don't know where you come from or who you know or where you get your [false] data, but this hard working doctor who spent my first 30 years of life accruing dept and working my nice person off to get my medical degree is one pissed off SOB who's sick and tired of seeing over 50% of my income going to federal & state income tax and sales tax. 50%....and then I go to work and have to take care of 100% perfectly able bodied patients who have Medicaid and don't feel the least bit guilty about taking an ambulance to the hospital for a sore throat or sprained ankle and demanding extra work-ups that are totally unnecessary and wanting prescriptions for tylenol and ibuprofen. No one I know who holds down a job and pays their own taxes would ever ask for those thing or even consider taking an ambulance for anything less than a very serious or potentially life threatening event.

    I’ve been a Nurse Practitioner for 23 years and I started my career with a large debt though probably not as big as yours. I also worked in an Emergency room for many years and saw that ambulance abuse that you spoke of. But I would like to make something clear. The welfare system in America was fraught with problems not least among them were the simple notion that 3rd and 4th generations were still on it. Ambulance abuse was tiny compared to that. But does that then mean that we as a society should not have any system to help the poor at all? We profess to be a Christian nation and I suspect that Jesus himself would have an opinion on this. But be that as it may, what does the welfare system have to do with the merits or demerits of a progressive tax structure? (By the way, Welfare rolls are about 1/5th what they were just 10 years ago.)

    The list of programs that money goes to the common people for is HUGE. If I'm asking too much to see $20k of my own hard earned cash put back into my pocket while someone else who made their choices and has a lower paying job than I gets a larger proportion but total absolute amount...then I'm sorry, but I'll be DAMNED if I'll feel guilty about it.

    Evan, you seem to be saying that being poor is a choice. I work in an inner city hospital and most of my colleagues are among the “working poorâ€. I can assure you they work damn hard and many of them work damn hard to put their kids through college. But more than one friend has had to cancel college due to the drying up of Pell grants to help defray the cost. Now I'm sure that there are "lazy" poor people, but from what I've seen, they are the minority.

    I pay way way more than my fair share of taxes...I don't see you feeling bad for the rich folks paying both a much higher proportion of their EARNINGS and a much much larger absolute amount.

    Of course I don’t feel bad for the rich for paying a greater percentage of their income in taxes. I pay a greater percentage of my income in taxes than most Americans as well. I’ve added up my taxes and I’m probably in the 50% tax bracket. That’s what progressive taxation is and there is no doubt in my mind that it contributed to the American 20th century being what it was. Again, I can’t put all the reasons why progressive taxes are good for America but there is a little analogy that I’ve worked out. (By the way, the graduated federal income tax is a progressive tax only when the gradations have meaning and are large enough to matter.)

    Let’s pick Warren Buffet, a multibillionaire. He too is in the 50% tax bracket if you add all the various taxes he is likely to pay. And lets assume that he does not make use of all the tax loopholes that are available to him that aren’t available to you or I.

    Does his tax burden affect his lifestyle? Don’t answer that yet.

    Now, does your tax burden affect your lifestyle? Does it affect the size of your house or the newness of your car? Does it have any affect on where your kids go to college? I don’t know about you, but I can answer yes to every one of those. The tax burden that is on me has a very real affect on what I can afford to do and go.

    Now compare that to Warren Buffet or Bill Gates or any other billionaire. I can assure you that their tax burden is a minor if irrelevant player in the choices that they make. So no, I don't feel sorry for them. For the super rich, or even just eh very rich to feel the burden of taxation like I feel the burden of taxation, they would have to be in the 95% tax bracket. Now that kind of rate is simply absurd. But when my tax rate is almost the same as Warren Buffets, that is just not right. And of course he pays way more than me, but I'm talking about the effects of taxation and not the absolute amount. In 1960, the very top federal income tax rate was 90%. Kennedy lowered it to 70%. Today the top federal rate is 35%.

    70 may still be too high, but 35 will lead to 19th century progress rates and not 20th century progrss rates, IMHO. And I base this opinion on what happened in the 19th and 20th centuries.

    And by the way, recently Bush was asked about a flat tax for federal taxes. He said it was an interesting idea. But the following day, his cronies had to do damage control to make it very clear that the Bush administration was not considering a flat tax. Why, because they know that when voters study flat taxes versus progressive taxes, the overwhelming majority realizes what a scam flat taxes are.

    And another thing, you say you pay way more than your fair share of taxes. You need to know that the USA pays just about the lowest taxes of any of the industrialized nations.
  17. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(prius04\";p=\"39054)</div>

    But first let me define “link†for you:
    Link n.
    1. A connecting element; a tie or bond: grandparents, our link with the past.
    2. An association; a relationship.
    3. A causal, parallel, or reciprocal relationship.

    But since you seem to not be able to do it for yourself:

    <a href=\'\' target=\'_blank\'></a>

    \"Member Groups of United for Peace and Justice:

    (scroll down to the groups who’s names start with “Mâ€)

    . . . MoveOn . . .

    Geeze, and you are a member of Moveon and don’t know what they stand for???? Give it up, you have been had, and don\'t know that of which you speak."
  18. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA
    Dear Sufferin,

    In 3 of your posts you gave these 3 links as the proof of the connection between Moveon and UFP.

    But when I was unable to find any link, you accuse me of being blind and then gave me this link.

    You will note that this is a different link. Now this almost seems like I was set up, though I’m sure that was not your intent.

    In any case, you still have not proven that totally agrees with everything that UFP stands for. I read some of the items on the United For Peace Web site and found it to be a lot more reasonable than you portray it to be. Indeed, you took some of their abstractions totally out of context. However, it seems to be a pretty big site so I did not read it all. I may not agree with all of it, but then I don’t agree with most Democratic issues either. (I consider myself more of an anti-neoconservative than as a Democrat) I suspect that has a similar approach to all the various organizations out there.

    I’m curious. Where did you get the time to find these obscure connections? Is there a web site out there that you go to that finds these items for you?

    Now Mr. Sufferin, I look at the world differently than you do. I have a lot of very conservative friends and we discuss issues like this often. Sometimes I get them to see things differently, and sometimes they get me to see things differently. But neither they nor I are ever effective when we scream our case. And in your last post, it looked like a scream and read like one. If you would like to continue these conversations, please be more respectful. I’ve tried very hard to focus my words on your ideas and conclusions and not on you yourself. Maybe I failed at times, but that was my intent. And if I angered you, I apologize.
  19. Sufferin' Prius Envy

    Sufferin' Prius Envy Platinum Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(prius04\";p=\"39256)</div>
    I did not give you the same link three times! Most likely an honest mistake on your part, but on each one of the HTTP links I gave you there was a reference to the next organization . . . MoveOn > Win Without Wars > United For Peace - but apparently you did not want to read . . . you wanted to ask me for a “link†which I took as playing the semantics game. So, I went directly to the United For Peace web site, clicked on “about UFPJ†then on “Member Groups.†There in black and white is “MoveOn.†You asked, “Where did you get the time to find these obscure connections?†I would hardly call that obscure! And as for the time it took, seriously dude, maybe two minutes . . . it’s on UFPJ’s web site!!!

    Now you come back with:
    In any case, you still have not proven that totally agrees with everything that UFP stands for.
    Please go back and read my posts. It was YOU who accused me of “implying†. . . I never stated anything about MoveOn’s stated goals. Especially since MoveOn’s web site is so lacking in that respect . . . unless you have some “ActionForum software.†I did, and still do question Moveon’s motives behind the “Vigil†especially now that I found a direct link between MoveOn and UPFJ. You would not have caught me within a hundred yards of any of those “vigils†for fear of implying support for that which UPFJ stands.

    It’s you who are in denial regarding the link between MoveOn and UFPJ . . . as you wrote:
    “you make a list of "stated goals" of an organization that is "affiliated" in some way with another organization that is "affilitated" in some way withâ€
    Yes dude, SOME WAY, like a member in good standings.
    Yep, “Lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas.â€

    "I read some of the items on the United For Peace Web site and found it to be a lot more reasonable than you portray it to be. Indeed, you took some of their abstractions totally out of context."
    I cut and pasted directly. IE ". . . .• Working to counter military recruitment of young people . . • Opposing the occupation of Afghanistan and U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of Palestine . . . • A visible and assertive street presence . . .â€
    That to me IS some scarey stuff! Maybe not to you, but you seem to be trying hard to distance MoveOn from UFPJ. WHY??
  20. bigbaldcuban

    bigbaldcuban New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Mansfield, TX
    Shiny happy people holding haaands! :)