Now onto the real hairy stuff, misfires You aren't kidding. This is one of those things, on a scale of 1 to 10, can be either a 1 or an 11.
I guess I did that load test wrong then, I'll read up on it and have another crack. I'll order this coolant valve and hopefully have it in next weekend, along with this coolant just in case Is that the right stuff? and can this be used in both coolant sysems?
Do NOT waste money on this step yet. Address the misfire first. If you can't fix the misfire, it's pointless to do the coolant and valve
Misfires in a gen2 car usually related to bad fuel injectors. But I would try and rule out spark plugs and coils first. If those 3 check out, then you'll need to check the fuel pump pressure. If the car has over heated before, then it could lead to a bad head gasket. But a compression test (prius has a special way of doing this) can probably rule this out. But those are usually the common causes. Remember you haven't really invested heavily in this car yet, if you can't fix it, you can sell it for a slight profit
So, I've taken it for a few test drives today. It seems every time I park it and turn it off, when I get back in I have to perform that procedure TMR mentioned. Is that normal? If I disconnect the battery, I can drive with no codes. But as soon as I park and turn off, as soon as I go to start again, there's a bunch of lights on the dash but no error codes.
Nope. It does suggest a HV leak to ground. You would need to pull the codes to confirm and to see which area is indicated as the area of the leak. You might just be biting off more than you care to deal with, with this one.
Where could it be leaking to ground. The only codes I've got today were misfire codes. I'm going to try adding my jump pack to the 12v battery, it was reading lower then the 12v so I've got it on charge. One thing I thought was odd, while looking at the torque app, the voltage on the 12v was a constant 14v. Is that right? Is it automatically fed that from the HV battery as soon as the car is on? I'm still learning how these systems work as I've never had a hybrid, part of the reason why I bought the Prius, to learn. So dolj, I'm chewing this bite. I just found out how to test the 12v using the car so I'll try that too and see what I get.
It could be in the HV battery, the transaxle or the air conditioner. Using Torque Pro? If you are using the free version, it can only read basic codes. Plus if you've disconnected the battery and not driven the car, the codes will be erased – which is why you can drive the car just the one time. To read all Prius codes you need to buy the Pro version and install the extended Prius PIDs. Yup, assuming the car was in READY state. It means the DC/DC converter in the inverter is functioning and supplying the charging circuit for the 12 V.
Bunce, Can you clarify this for me? Are you saying that each time you "park and turn it off", when you go to drive it again, the car will do nothing, so you have to disconnect the 12v battery for a few moments and then do the "2 power button push" procedure? Or are you saying each time you go to drive again you have to do the "2 button push" procedure, but you don't actually do anything with the 12v battery?.
TMR - The second one. Every time I turn off and remove key. When I go to drive again I have to do the 2 button, brak and button procedure. I do NOT disconnect the battery each time.
dolj - I have Torque Pro and the Prius add ons. Is there a specific guage I need to set up? The battery is not disconnected each time, I just have to do the multiple button procedure mentioned above and then I can drive fine, until I drive it hard and a misfire code pops up.
Update - I went out and did the battery test from the MFD. In ready mode with the lights on I have 11.8V, with the lights off I have 12.1V. It was reading 12.5V with a multi-meter at the battery. So I think that rules out the 12V battery. The CEL, exclamation mark, ABS and traction lights were on at startup. When reading the codes I got the P1121 code. I then did the start button fandango mentioned previously and go for a drive. Stop turn the car off, and the same scenario. I think that coolant pump needs to be replaced sooner than later so I'll be ordering it today. On a side note, I picked up some Marvel Mystery Oil, MMO, and put some in the tank with about 7 gallons of gas. I also added a tad to the oil making sure to stay under the full mark. However when I opened the oil filler cap, there is a layer of oily slime on the metal directly below, looking inside the engine. It was soft and easily rubbed off with a finger. Is this film all over the inside of the engine do you think and would it be advisable to do an engine flush of some sort? Or is there one oil that's better at cleaning this stuff out than another?
If your car has been setting around a lot and making just short trips that could be the cause of what you are seeing in the engine. You could flush the engine but I would take care of the coolant pump and get on with your other problems first. The 12 V. battery numbers look good to me also.
I think your 12V battery is weak. 11.8V is not a good reading under light load of lights. 12V battery in this car is very small, barely enough to do things it needs to do (which is not much). When the 12V battery becomes weak/old very strange symptoms can occur. I would look into a new 12V battery just to eliminate that variable. You are already into a lot of variables here, so a fresh 12V battery will help.
I also think the 12v numbers look good, not fully charged but not low enough to give out false error codes
I should mention those readings were after resting over night. The engine was not started this morning. The first time it went into ready mode was to take the V reading under load. I think it's ok.
This seems odd to me. The only time I've ever had to use the "2 push" was after having the 12v battery disconnected. Does the 'auto up and down' function work on drivers window? Does the readio lose its previously set station? You also mention removing the key. Does your car have sks? On the back of the key fob, is the toyota symbol silver?
No SKS, the window does not auto up or down. I didn't check the radio, but I think it keeps them as long as the battery is not disconnected.
Long test drive update - After a 104 mile test drive with lots of hills in the Cascade foothills and about 25% highway. The auto up and down on the driver window is back. Once going through start button fandango I only got 1 code while driving. It happened leaving a rest stop, flooring it to get up to speed to join traffic. I did notice that mpg drops when there is a stored code. I cleared the code and finished off the drive. Of course it was a misfire code. Maybe the MMO is working because the frequency of codes popping up has decreased vastly.