waffles, silly. Don't waste a drop of blueberry maple syrup! the overcooked, dark chips you find in some bags or only perfect ones?
That's never thwarted us. Neither (too old). Flip Wilson (died last year, black comedian) CNN or Fox for news?
Network TV news and PBS (I don't have cable or dish or anything==I live in TN UFOs--alien spaceships or experimental military aircraft?
Herbal (just downed two echinacea capsules thirty minutes ago, trying to fight off a cold). Did you know aspirin was originally derived from willow bark? Most FDA approved OTCs and prescription meds got their start as an herb. Virtual courses or actual classroom?
As you look at the bed, standing at the foot---or as you're lying in it? If you're emulating the reckoning of the "right" side of a car, it would be as you're driving it; hence my answer is: wrong side of the bed (ineluctable part of aging process) dijon mustard, plain or with horseradish?