Separate names with a comma.
ll is so expensive. Is there any other options? This information should be accessible for free. I got SO Much info on my Lexus was totalled....
I want to buy this car but not sure if it's a lemon. It has a recent Collision but looks beautiful. Maybe I should look it up on Carfax would that...
I just got the cataclean to maybe buy some time. If it performs miracle, ill definitely come back and let you know.
You guys think that maybe the cat clean stuff would help the situation at all? Someone said it got rid of his catalytic converter codes would it...
Thank you!!! This is the info I was looking for! suspected head gasket failure, check and clean egr tube. With the obdll and car scanner app, is...
Hi trying to delete my comment..... Tools say edit and report... no delete option.
Do you know if this is mostly an issue for 2nd gen or if it also pertains to gen 3?
That is very interesting... I thought overfilling was bad in a way that puts extra pressure on the system, causes oil leaks (valve cover ect)...
Which? About the dashboard looking like Christmas lights or the don't buy the first year of a model of any vehicle? Ones smart the other is classic.
I'll check if it's mentioned elsewhere also, but at 200k+ miles do their catalytic converters fill up very often? I don't have high oil...
On my car I can smell it in the oil, it has hard starts and my oil cap gets stuck like it's over tightened, but it's not. I assume the exsaust...
THATS WHAT HAPPENED!!! I thought I locked my car before work to come back to my stuff everywhere and things missing because doors were unlocked. When...
I have this happen and twice now come back to a mess and stuff missing. It happened last night when I was at work even though I've gotten better...
I I didn't know the "don't shut the engine off if it's running" was a thing bit I've always felt more comfortable letting it finish doing its...