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Thank you for the heads up, it still starts up and drives fine, and assuming I'm on the freeway the discharge and regen on the battery looks...
Through my very cheap scan tool, doesnt say much on the tools themselves. Should I be concerned that the 12V battery only shows 10.5V when the...
Anyone have suggestions? Can the 12V battery trigger the triangle of death? Or is it only the HV battery Codes are: P3012 P3020 Both appear to...
Triangle of death has come on 3-4 times now in my Gen1. Before it happened I could see the battery level indicator freaking out a bit, switching...
Hey Chap, Thanks, I took a look at the little Denso unit under the dash and the arm had actually come off. Put it back in and heater works great,...
Hi all, Just purchased my first Prius today, first gen 2003. Love it. Only thing I have noticed so far is that the heater is not blowing hot air...