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Make it easier to remove the lid? (btw, it's not there in my car)
"Usual Peak Charge" (60%): This corresponds to when all but the top two pips are lit on the battery display. It reflects the target range the...
The hybrid battery (HV battery) typically operates in a range of 40%-80% state of charge (SOC) to optimize battery life and performance. The...
You're welcome / ;)
If your car has air trapped in the cooling system, it will likely result in no heat because the air bubbles prevent the coolant from circulating...
Order from Amayama; cheaper & the TOYOTA original (not AISIN) / @Mendel Leisk can probably help you out here with the part numbers & ordering...
Hmm, for a start you might want to change your driving style to avoid these situations.... /
That's the same nozzle which is used in the Prius / [MEDIA] I switched mine to the higher ones; not much of an improvement, still too low when...
Not adjustable / Toyota offers three different ones which spray different heights /
[IMG] (The copper & steel wire mesh is to keep rodents away / )
Rather safe than sorry /
12.7v since 10 years /
Just keep a little bit for yourself ;) "DMSO is an effective systemic stimulating healing product that offers relief of muscular and bodily pains...