Separate names with a comma.
It did not. I had to do the capacitor fix. Since replacing the capacitor, it has been working great. The only bad part was tearing apart the whole...
Yes you did, TMR. I forgot that the left side vent had the park button in it. So I hooked it up, and most of the warning lights went off after...
I did, and the most common solution was either the 7.5 amp fuse not having good contact with the blue wire, and hence the jumper, or replacing 12v...
It has 221,811 miles on her. After I charged it up completely, it said 12.8 volts. I let it sit for a few hours (FYI, it is about 40 degrees...
Thanks for your reply. I have not heard the sound since, but have experienced other issues. I have made another post about them. If I do hear...
Thank you for your reply. I did end up gluing it with plastic epoxy I got at Home Depot. Two part stuff, I let it cure overnight, and seems to be...
Here's another issue I ran into. Recently the instrument panel started not turning on. I read about the problem with the capacitor, and undertook...
We are on a long road trip, and in the middle of it, we stopped at a stop sign, and I heard this cycling sound coming from under the hood. Took a...
So an update. I searched in the forum and found a thread about this problem, and how disconnecting the 12V battery might fix it. Sure enough, I...
Hi guys, hope you can help me. Recently purchased an '08 Prius, and everything has been pretty good on it until today. We only received one key...
Thank you PriusCamper, but unfortunately there isn't a Prius at a PicknPull closer than 250 miles from me. And I already know how to put it on,...
The first picture is the left side unbroken one, the second picture is the right side broken one. Ouch! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]