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If you don't install a resistor, you'll receive error messages upon turning on the car. After you install the resistor and check you're not...
Edit: let us know if it goes away.
Is your tail light also tinted? .
Did they give you a cost estimate for the repairs they're not going to do since it's totaled? Just for information.
I don't use driver monitoring. I keep to an old version that I like. No point in updating when I'm content. .
The stock camera is still plugged in to the car indirectly. It just plugs into the giraffe and then into the car. The aftermarket system (eon and...
I'm wishing I bought the red. It looks so vibrant! .
I leave my DSU plugged in. It makes it easier switching back and forth between stock + dash cam and the phone controller. To switch you just...
I've tested(not intentionally)and the precollision system still works. You know how the screens light up red and say "Brake!"? All that heart...
Check this thread out then. It pretty much just is an advanced lane...
Getting lane centering like the Corolla isn't probably gonna happen. You can always get aftermarket hardware to make the car have that...
Looks beautiful. I'm going to get mine painted after the black gloss vinyl wrap on my roof needs replaced. Black roofs definitely look better.
It is off(not going to beep at you) unless you flip a switch next to the rear view mirror. Flipping the switch makes it go back to completely...
It's not perfect. It accelerates faster and slows better in traffic than stock when you unplug the DSU in the glovebox. If you stop with the...
Also in West PA. I've made lots of points and even got offered a donation of a charge station for my workplace and they still rejected it just...