Separate names with a comma.
Although this is admittedly anecdotal, we've been noticing that the car tends to revert to hybrid mode, and then go in and out of EV mode, when we...
Mind you, that feature is not available in Canada either on the Prime.
Glad we could help!
You got that right. I keep turning them on whenever visibility is lower just in case it might help... but no. Mind you, I haven't tried in actual...
Got the warning last night too, but they were actually caked with fine snow. Drove it into the garage last night; warning didn't appear this morning.
When I first got the Prime, it would estimate a 32.6 km range when starting, probably because of the heavy use of heating and defrost. But after a...
Same here! From rain, to slush, to snow, from melt to freezing weather, and no such warnings.
I wonder what it says when it's the rear sensors.
This article mentions Comma Two, available January 20.
The initial post was bound to ruffle a few feathers, but it's interesting to get another perspective. Most purchase decisions aren't entirely...
Well, it’s possible to get 100 for A/C! [ATTACH]
My untested impression was that you have to be patient and it eventually goes back to EV Mode -- presumably when the cycle ends, as quoted above....
comma AI is indeed quite interesting. I have no direct experience, but from what I gather, it would only be useful to a person doing a lot of...
Maybe you are steering back too early. I tested it over the weekend and it brings you back into the lane once you have already crossed the line,...
Would that device read the OEM sensors?