Separate names with a comma.
Yes, I'm getting a lot of requests every day about CM repairs. I now forward them the warranty information. So far I have not heard of Toyota...
My advice: Take Toyota up on their free repair.
Busy in EV world! I'm supplying low-cost plug-in vehicle charging systems to the masses! EVSE Upgrade - Maximizing versatility and performance...
This is most definitely the CM. The reason consumption doesn't work properly when the CM is out, is because it needs the speed pulse generated by...
From the document Toyota provided (linked above): Ask for a loaner! -Phil
I'm getting about 20 emails a day on this issue. I am no longer repairing these, I refer everyone to the warranty extension information.
Even using the Prius chassis for a pure EV is silly. It's a mediocre vehicle for such a thing. You'd probably be ahead financially and have a...
If you attempt to change the boost converter or augment it, you're faced with outright replacement of the HVECU and/or it's HUGE codebase! I...
Any kind of 2nd gen Prius PHEV w/o extensive (and likely prohibitive) hardware modifications cannot achieve greater than ~21kW (~28hp) of power on...
I am no longer performing these repairs.
No longer relevant
The Panasonic EVSE does indeed have a cycle counter. Each contact closure of the relay increments an onboard EEPROM. I do not yet know the...
FYI, It's improper to call the EVSE a "charger", as the charger is inside the PiP. You can properly call it an EVSE, a Charge cord, Charge...
FYI, here's what the completed upgrade of the current PiP EVSE looks like: [IMG] The cord is a high-quality molded L6-20P for 208/240v...
The discrepancy between the oft-quoted 3.3kW charger in the Leaf is because this figure is it's maximum OUTPUT. The Input, (at 208/240v) due to...