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Your method of carrying both fobs, helps you only in the sense of not being stranded if you lose or misplace ONE of them. But it costs you...
My latest update is that it goes through phases of doing it several times per hour then maybe nothing (except at startup and shutdown) for an...
After running this new version for 5 months, I am overall happy, but not perfectly happy. My only complaint is that it seems to be installed on a...
I've replaced 3 lost Prius Prime fobs myself. 1 for myself, 2 for a friend. Step 1. Buy a brand new fob from a real Toyota dealer, preferably...
Little did I know that I'd have my 17 Prime for over twice as long and twice as many miles as john1701a, and be aspiring to make it to 3x or 4x as...
As every customer service rep says, "Did you try turning it off and turning it on?". It sounds like you were locked into a loop where the...
By the way, I don't recall having read many posts by PiPLosAngeles until now, but I've not seen him say anything about driving...
Miles per kWh or miles of EV range are not good goals to have in mind, because they are such strong functions of speed, headwind/tailwind, air...
Amazingly, after 7 years 3 months in New England, I'm still rocking my original wipers. It's about time to replace them, I think, though they...
If the ICE is cold and then only comes on for 30 seconds during the descent, then turns off and goes back to EV mode, clearly the engine has not...
4 years is a long time to not have an adult in the room, but I question whether Musk would have counted as an adult. Your question was...
The fewer times a stealership touches your car, the better, is my attitude. I'd prefer to only have the car touched by my favorite tire shop, and...
I replaced mine with an AC Delco AGM Group 47. Group 47 is longer than stock: 246mm vs 207mm but is identical to stock in the other 2...
I'd personally not even consider touching it, until seeing evidence it is needed. I've not ever seen such evidence in any car I've bought new,...
The dog example was not about me personally, but was just mentioning what is beyond any doubt by far the biggest reason that other leave a Prius...