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2015 Prius plugin - one key fob (incl laser cut key) was stolen. The thieves have my address. What do I need to replace? Do I need a re-seed of...
We should have a reasonable warranty here, but it's going to cost me to test it. Negotiating for this is like negotiating for a specialist at the...
I think "13.2-13.8" miles actually resulted in about 12-12.5 miles, but I wasn't looking as closely. I just know the rough mileage between home...
My electric mileage seems to have abruptly plummeted. Dash shows 13.2-13.8. Charges on L2 (or L1) no problems. I would get roughly this mileage...
Bluetooth on my 2015 PIP is enabling the itouch (a kind of ipod) as a phone. This is not good, because it blocks the real phone, unless I remember...
Has anyone found any bluetooth transmitter that will sync with the Prius entune bluetooth system? If so which one, & how did you get it to work?
My "platform" is a base model 2015 PIP, but I would think the problems I'm having would be found in other models. iOS 6 itouch 4g - podcasts...