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10 deg F cold start.
Greetings all, I haven’t owned a Prius for over a year but thought everyone would be interested in my experience with a 2013 Avalon hybrid with a...
Just watched the video posted. That’s the noise, just doesn’t last that long. Anyone want an otherwise good condition 2012 for a cheap price?...
I checked EGR last year when I got it. It was in decent shape but not perfect. I think I’ll just drive it until it pops or sell it. I just today...
177K. No codes and it drives fine. This just started yesterday. Was hoping to get 200k before swapping in a 4th gen engine.
So what does the dreaded head gasket startup rattle sound like. My 2012 V just yesterday started to make a, well, it sounds like something hitting...
Would a 2011 CT200h have the same issues as a third gen Prius? Thanks, Stephen
I did not replace the door panels. That’s harder than doing the seats. The cloth on my doors is good enough for an 11 year old car. I will do the...
Ended up doing all the speakers, nothing else. The factory speakers are a joke.
Yes, full leather. They were a bear to install but it looks and feels fantastic.
Just sent, sorry, Christmas travel distracted me over the last few days.