Separate names with a comma.
That doesn’t help my case.
Which ecm, ecu, pcm or whatever you want to call it electronically controls the mg1 or mg2 aka the ice starter? A pic would also help.
Ok guys. I finally gave in, and had it towed to an independent shop. The diagnoses, the integration really burned up. He also told me, that...
Going to dig back into it tomorrow. Was waiting to hear if anyone knew if the hv inverter is the same as the hybrid powertrain control module?
I think it was just flashed. Is the hv inverter the same as the hybrid powertrain control module?
I di i did. With techstream. Lost communication with hybrid system.
So here is the update: after swapping the plug,it cleared the p malfunction error. The problem now, it still won’t start as if the engine is...
Don’t have to straighten Me
Ok. This time I pulled the inverter apart. And I’m plugged wires to check. I think I found the problem. Bent connections in the gear plug in the...
I checked them again. Found nothing. Then pulled the fuses and sprayed with electric cleaner. Still same error. ♂️
There is one Connector that I had trouble with. It’s the one on the side of the inverter. It was really tough to get it off, and I’m not sure it’s...
I didn’t clear them G. I can clear them with techstream? Is it obvious how I can do that? Never tried it. Don’t forget, I even forgot I had the...
I forgot I had techstream. Here are the codes: P0031 P2237 U0293
Well I used fresh fluid, and fixed the wiring and charged the battery. P lock malfunction still there. ♂️