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Hey there. This was so long ago I don’t even remember what the problem was. I don’t even have this car anymore.
Hey all! So I suspect I know the answer, but I just wanted to get the hive mind’s opinion. Im looking to replace my clock spring. I don’t want to...
OHHHHHHH! ok, well then sounds like i pooped on the floor and slipped in it then!
ok yes I have to insert it now, no I didn't take the original apart at all so I couldnt have lost the RF chip, I was following a youtube video on...
hello all. so I was tinkering with my 2004 US model trying to get a junkyard key to work on it. Now suddenly the original key (that worked fine up...
SOLVED! I found a review of the axle company I bought the half shaft from and discovered they take no care in protecting the ABS sensor tone ring....
Hmmm. I’ll try that.
I never replaced it
If you're talking to me mine is a 2004. first of the Gen 2 models.
so an interesting little tidbit, hope you can help me. as we know the 2004 is a bit of a stand alone model. I think the computer might even be a...
Hello all! So I’ve got an early gen2 2004 (build date 12/2003). It has $268K on it. I’ve finally solved the P0420 code with a replacement...