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Have you replaced your tires recently? Checked tire pressures? Drive only up hills?
I guess 30-40 years ago I “enjoyed” changing the plugs, points, condenser. Set the timing and adjust the valves. Heck, I probably still have a...
I think it’s common for the garage, outdoor and outlets near water (sinks) to be on the same CFI circuit? I discovered when I got my first EV...
Am I missing something? Doesn’t the tire shop just swap the wheels, and reset the TPMS? In December I bought winter tires, wheels and TPMS from...
I haven’t seen 4.5 mile difference, but have seen about a 2 mile difference. I think the app reports the total possible mileage, but the HUD...
You might check into setting the in car timer to FINISH just prior to your Departure time, or the ending time for the lower cost charging. I...
be careful of free charging. I bought my first EV (Fiat 500e) in 2015 and got caught in the “free charging” mindset. There was a free charger...
Along with cold weather, have you checked tire pressure? Keeping your cabin heat at a reasonable 63-65 degrees?
I’m still getting email when charge is complete. Is this what you mean? iOS, and 2017 Advanced.
I-80? Make this a real trip to remember and take US-50 across Nevada!
The onboard charger is 3.3 kWH, right? So any combination of volts & amps that provide at least 3.3 kWH to the onboard charger will yield the...
Something that you may want to research is any incentives that MAY be offered in your area. I know (I think) some States or utilities offer...
The Clipper Creek ACS-20 uses 16 amps. 16A Level 1 EVSE ACS-20 | ClipperCreek
Aah yes, air cooled VWs! My first car was a ‘63 Karmann Ghia coupe. Then in ‘67, after my first exotic trip to Vietnam, I traded to a new...
55 mph national speed limit. Many (most) gas stations closed nights and weekends. A few gas stations switched to listing the price in liters to...