Separate names with a comma.
You can find it cheaper on AliExpress, but it may take a month or more to get it. If you go this route, make sure the seller has high ratings....
How has it held up over the last 5 months?
Venipuncture is an art, like thr ability to draw or sing. Some people got it, and some just can't. Unfortunately, there are many healthcare...
I just got home from getting a smog check in California, on my Lexus. I asked the guy about oil catch cans. He said he'd never heard of them being...
I've heard some stories. Not many, mind you, but I'm sure there are plenty.
This made me immediately think of the Nuremberg defense, which I really hope everyone is familiar with.
I'm curious about something. I've read that people who grow up on farms learn early certain life lessons like, "you reap what you sow." Do you...
I have actually read the data published in the medical journals. I support all the vaccines.
Keep in mind that (as with all vaccinations) you should not take ibuprofen or acetaminophen until after you get a fever. Some people...
Keep in mind that if you manage to get the door open, you might not be able to close it, or at least not easily.
That part is in the manual, but there are reports that it will actually only work if you can see the animation with the arrows going between the...
So it was all your fault, then! I've read some people swearing that it only worked for them when the "Disp" mode was in a particular view, or...
I've been told by 2 locksmiths never to use graphite powder in locks, but to only use a small amount of liquid lubricant. If you use too much...
I had one in my old car (not a Prius), because I wanted to add an aftermarket back up camera. The mirror had a built-in screen which only came on...
You may well need to disconnect the 12 volt battery (including both sides of the ground wire) and clean off corrosion before reattaching. Check...