Replace 2nd gen gas tank
Replace 2nd gen gas tank
I looked at a lot of pages trying to find info on the out of gas. It was not available except to change the throttle body and the map sensor. I did that and no start still. I then proceeded to unhook the gas lines from the tank. When trying to start the car it did not have any gas coming from the pressure or return lines so I assumed the fuel pump in the gas tank stopped. Since I had a parts car for a donor gas tank I removed it and proceeded to test the car to see if the car was the problem or the gas tank was the problem. I didn't want to put the tank in and find out that it still didn't work. My Son was able to show me that the wiring harness could be unhooked and reach outside the car to the donor tank so we could run a test on the donor tank hooked up to the car to be repaired. It worked great so see the pictures attached. I am sorry for the Pic quality but my camera is scratched. When you unhook the power cable on the drivers side you have to supply power to the jump spot under the hood to test start the car.
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