HW Problem

HW Problem
Hi please can u help me on this homework. see below

The use of Enhanced Oil Recovery has increased the production of oil and gas from tight sands, and unconventional resources, however, it became a debatable topic.

According to USGS, the Wolfcamp shale in the Midland Basin portion of Texas’ Permian Basin province contains an estimated mean of 20 billion barrels of oil, 16 trillion cubic feet of associated natural gas, and 1.6 billion barrels of natural gas liquids, according to an assessment by the U.S. Geological Survey. This estimate is for continuous (unconventional) oil and consists of undiscovered, technically recoverable resources.

Write as a group a short report (tables of comparison) that contains a description of the future EOR methodology. Also, show whether any pilot trials are targeting Wolfcamp formation. Recommend any trials or pilot tests that you think need to be implemented for a successful advanced oil recovery technology. Additionally, what is your vision for the next 10 years of unconventional development?

The objective of this exercise to get students to write a report including their vision of EOR in tight and unconventional resources. The use of the previously submitted report would be advised.

The main themes of the report will be focused on technology that will :

(1) aid in the development of domestic unconventional resources considering Wolfcamp lower formations as a priority

(2) better understand reservoirs and improve low recovery factors from unconventional oil wells

(3) develop enhanced oil recovery technologies in shale oil and low permeability reservoirs, and

(4)possibility of combining EOR and associated CO2 Storage in horizontal oil wells in the manner that reduces carbon footprint.
Oct 7, 2023