...you complain about "only" getting 42MPG. ...you seriously consider running a red light because it's obvious no one's coming and you've got a serious glide going.
....When you jump in your wife's car, go to hit the Power button and then realize that you have to go back in the house and get a real key.
when you reach for the gear shift in another car, only to find it not on the middle console. (yes, I have done this) when you have trouble controlling the gas and brake in another vehicle due the difference in pedal sensitivity. (it is always interesting when I have to drive my mom's minivan)
"When you slam down on the brakes but the car won't stop".... What? Oh sorry. I thought we were playing the Sikes version of the game....
you forget about the key fob hidden in your purse, change purses, and wonder why the car won't start when you get in.
...You turn the lights off and on when driving another car to get the burned out halogen to come back on.
Maybe I'm an idiot, but after 7 years I sometimes STILL grab that passenger door handle and for a split second wonder why the car door doesn't unlock. (For my 2004 Prius, the unlock feature only works for the front doors. I don't know what it is for subsequent model Toyotas.)
...you pulse and glide your other, non-hybrid cars... ...you can tell w/o looking whether you have blue, yellow or no arrows on the MFD when you are moving w/o the ICE running... ...your kids see the gas receipts and say "You're STILL keeping track of that?"
Can you program the locks on the 2004 to act diferent ways? I could swear when I had my 04 I could unlock all the doors like all the Gen2's....
You shed a tear at the MPG you're getting with -15c (not f) temp and snow everywhere. You miss not being able to do 360's in the parking lots.
You act as if nothing is wrong when riding in someone elses car and the engine stops at a stop light... Of course they are panicing because their engine's not suppose to stop, and now you're both stranded!
Touching the the front seat door handle will unlock all four doors. However, touching the back seat door handle will do nothing, because it has no sensor at all. There was no option to add one either. Even after all these years, I still find it annoying that I have to grab the front seat door handle first, before I can open the back seat door to put something in the back seat. Like I said, maybe I'm an idiot, but sometimes I still grab the back seat door first and then momentarily wonder why the door won't unlock. Yeah, it's a pretty minor thing, but I would have paid extra to have the sensor on all the doors.