Hello, I'm looking for someone with a hybrid AZ plate to "sell" me theirs for some cold hard cash. I'm pretty much a full time driver and it would nice to be the guy pointing at the traffic jam instead of being in one! Thanks!
I am in the process of trying to do this on a Prius I am buying. Could you message me and give me more insight on how to do this as I am not finding a lot about it online.
Sorry to be a downer on my first post, but in AZ the plate does not go with the car when you sell. You remove the plate and use it on your next car or send in for a refund. AZ got a Fed grant to issue 10,000 HOV plates to Hybrids and Alt Fuel Vehicles a number of years ago. Once those were gone, that was it, even if ya bought a new Prius you couldn't get a HOV plate. About 2 years ago they made 2500 available that had been turned in, or the owners bought a non Hybrid and lost the HOV plate. I was fortunate to get one, but they disappeared fast. I felt guilty once or twice, seeing fellow Prius drivers stuck in rush hour traffic as I cruised past. I got over it....